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Mature anwsers only please.......Hi sweetie so I have been doing some thinking and this is hard since you and I have not spent a great deal of time together. What I have to say is important and it’s how I feel and it needs to be done because I can’t keep it in any more. So I am taking a risk and putting myself out there and what ever happens after you read this will happen. I would much rather say this all in person but I figured that since this is our primary way of communication it inst such a bad idea to write you a letter. I know it may be a little in-personal but I will be able to say what I need to and feel better about it in the process since I won’t be skipping around too much or rambling.

I have noticed that I am saying it “is ok” and “that’s alright” to a lot of things and I’m beginning to notice that I am saying that with out really thinking about it and that’s not good.

I really need to spend more time with you in person if you and I are to move forward in a relationship.

I completely respect you and the fact that you spend a great amount of time with your kids and that is awesome, it’s good for them and you too. I would have more time with my daughter but the way my ex and I have worked out our schedule seems to be working really well. And he wants as much time with her as I do. So a week to week thing works well for us. It ends up too that I get more time to myself which is not a bad thing and I like it at times just having my own space and time to do what I want with it.

At this time I don’t know what you want nor do I know what you need from me or how you feel, except for the fact that I know you like me. I in no way want to rush a good thing at all. It is just hard since you and I are sleeping together and are in some way exclusive with that, that we don’t get to have a lot of time to be together in person. For me that is hard because all the affection that I do get from you in that time is awesome and I want and need more.

I am a giver and I see myself giving a lot to you, which is good but at the same time bad. I feel I setting myself up for disappointment and hurt.

You have a very busy life I think a little bit busier than mine. I see and know that you are making time for me as much as you can and that’s cool and I appreciate that too. You make me smile and laugh, and I feel good and happy to of meet you and to know you. But what I am unsure of is if you are ready to have more than just “fun” with someone. I know you were with your ex for long time so there are many things I’m unsure of and I don’t want to assume.

I am ready to be with someone I know in my heart that your not just a rebound or someone to fill the void. If that was the case I wouldn’t put so much time, effort or thought in to things I say or do for you. I do want companionship and someone to share my time with. I also know that in my ad I said I wanted a long term relationship with someone. I’m not saying that I want to move in with you or get married or anything along those lines at all. I am working on getting a place for me which is what I want and need right now it’s just gonna take some time to do that, and it will be happening with in the next few months.

What I am saying is id like to think of our friendship and relationship having more substance to it by being able to spend more time together.
I am a pretty simple person as well as understanding and I don’t need to be taken out all the time, so even if just sitting around talking, watching TV, and anything else that is great to as long as I get to spend quality time with you. I do like to get out and have fun doing things thou and I have a really good time with you.

To be with you in person is what I need more than anything especially since we are sleeping together and there are a lot of feelings involved. I don’t just go around doing that sort of thing with anyone. I enjoy sex a great deal and I like it a lot but I am starting to feel a little taken advantage of.

Basically I am just having a hard time seeing you here and there and wondering when the next time will be.

I have so much fun joking around with you I think it is great that you and I can share times doing that. We are still getting to know one another and only time will tell where things will go. But in the meantime I know that for me it would be better to have a more personable relationship.

So I am feeling that maybe we should talk more on the phone if that is at all possible. I don’t want you to think or feel I am trying to push in any direction at all.
I just need to get my thoughts out and feeling too as to what I need and want from you at this time, and basically it is just more of your time in person and a more personable relationship. So please do tell me how you feel as well it would be good to know. Thank you for reading this and I hope you can understand. Talk to you later. Muah

2007-01-04 09:15:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

9 answers

Oh dear! This guy eats his cake and has it doesn't he? I suspect you are more into him than he is into you. It's a little sad that your main means of communicating is by letter. Personally, I would stop sleeping with him and contacting him. If he wants you, he'll contact you, if not move onto someone that chooses to spend time with you and don't get so invested so quickly.

2007-01-04 09:21:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi Muah,
Send that letter. That was well written and you don't sound pushy. That was a beautiful letter and so are you. More people should take the time to do what you just did. I hope in my heart it works out wonderful for you.
Kind regards from Noelene
from down under

2007-01-04 09:29:20 · answer #2 · answered by DY Beach 6 · 2 0

countless the excuses you listed do seem shallow, yet I nonetheless imagine someplace in there you basically don't experience nicely matched with him regardless of the travelling and his so referred to as aspect of classification. each and every now and then a relationship understanding would not should be a persons fault, if that's not a in good structure you won't be able to rigidity it. Forcing your self to stay though received't exercising consultation. basically dropping both one among some time, and it would want to messy the longer you wait after making an investment so attempt and time into it.

2016-10-16 23:29:43 · answer #3 · answered by fernande 4 · 0 0

I feel it is very good except you need to fix one thing. In this paragraph you need to keep only this sentence:

I completely respect you and the fact that you spend a great amount of time with your kids and that is awesome, it’s good for them and you too.

The rest is just to rambly, you need to keep it more about you and him and that u respect eachother. I like the letter though, so other than that one sentence, good job.

2007-01-04 09:23:02 · answer #4 · answered by bdgirl 3 · 2 0

aw ...girl... he is so cute. do your best to keep him. talk on the phone with him, and save a special time during each week where you can just hang out with him rather than sleeping with him and making him feel used. take care of him because i think hes the one for you

2007-01-04 09:20:40 · answer #5 · answered by answer! this 3 · 0 0

I think the letter is a little long, but it is heartfelt and well written.

2007-01-04 10:12:35 · answer #6 · answered by kny390 6 · 3 1

its all good as long as u wrote this from ur heart.

2007-01-04 09:24:06 · answer #7 · answered by herimos 4 · 1 0

Nope. I won't read all that.

2007-01-04 09:20:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

too much information. i couldnt read it , sorry

2007-01-04 09:18:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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