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I confronted my boyfriend about how we never really communicate now. He goes yes we do we talk all the time. I go, but never about impoartant things. he says thats because your opinions are complelely diffrent from mine (just because we have different opinions doesn't mean we can't talk about deep things does it?) he also completely blew me off, he sarted playing his viedeo game in the middle of our talk. Then when i didn't say anything he goes see your the one that doesn't talk to me. I told him maybe we should stop having sex for alittle while, b/c i feel it messed everything up. He goes w/e if thats what you want. I said i feel like your losing interest in me and he goes i don't know what your talking about. later when i had to go home, he kissed me. Then goes oh i shouldn't have done that it might lead to something else. he kept saying sarcastic things like that, its like he doesn't take me seriosusly. I love him alot but im so confused. what do you think i should do?

2007-01-04 09:12:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

23 answers

OMG.. our boyfriends should meet. mine acts the smae way!
says the same thing about the kiss and that he shouldnt have done. all what we do is that we set a day aside from our busy lives to go out and hang out. talk about anything. why talk about something serious when there isnt anything to really talk about unless you have something to say. then say it, tell him how you feel. I love my boyfriend very much too, and alot of the time we dont have sex for like 3 days or so. and usually if you do that or longer then when you finally do, you both feel better about eachother and yourself. I know this isnt the best answer or it sounds confusing. Guys are sometimes like girls. they can minipulate, by saying things to make you feel like you are the bad person in the realationship. when he does that, like the kiss thing, go ahead and grab him and kiss him with all that you have and show him you love him. and see what he says. I said the same thing about we shouldnt have had sex. it just makes things worse by saying that.

2007-01-04 09:21:15 · answer #1 · answered by yummy_20032001 3 · 0 0

Well 1st off lets get something straight,. most men are not comfortable talking about deep stuff when they are not secure enough in themselves, I'm sure taking sex off the table might not have been the best avenue to pursue but you better not back down now because then he's got you. I know it'll be tough but try to take some interest in what he likes and talk to him about that stuff. Remember there are always 2 sides to every story. If nothing civil works I would then recommend having a knock-down-dragout fighting argument, that is when both sides come out completely and true feelings are expressed. Coming from someone who has been married for a long time fighting once in a while can be really healthy.

2007-01-04 09:27:20 · answer #2 · answered by earnhardtiskingofnascar 2 · 0 0

I know it might seem weird but some guys, in the little bit that they might say they really do mean it. It probably does really care about you and he thinks maybe you are looking to deep into this situation. Sometimes us females have a tendency to bring up subjects in a relationship that we have already talked about to get the guy to tell us again so we feel better. It just makes us feel good when you can get them to say certain things that you might want to hear. I would say chill out for a while and don't dig so deep, because that can push away a person too. So i wish you the best of luck

2007-01-04 09:17:45 · answer #3 · answered by Jazz21 3 · 0 0

First it is extremely hard for guys to talk. The classic example was him playing his video games. Guys do other things to listen to you, it has been proven that it makes them uncomfortable to sit and look at you while discussing things, that they would rather play a video game, watch tv, etc so they can listen but not be embarrassed. Don't use sex as a weapon though, if you feel it really messed things up then deal with it, but to withhold sex all of a sudden while u both don't agree will cause huge problems. Try not to get to emotional about this, it sounds like misunderstandings.

2007-01-04 09:17:09 · answer #4 · answered by bdgirl 3 · 2 0

Look I will give this to you straight he is either young and severly inexperienced(loser) or just don't care and is trying to push you away because he lacks the balls to say that he is losing interest you. Either way he is playing head games with you. And after awhile that can damage a person BAD.
If there is one thing I have learned with relationships is this..DONT EVER LET ANYONE TREAT YOU IN A WAY YOU WOULD NOT DO TO THEM.
Because in the end they think its okay and your stuck feeling like crap. Put yourself first! Its hard when you genuinely care about someone to let them go but it has to be done or you will be miserable. Get a hobby lose your free time then you will see either he will miss you or use that as another excuse to why you dont wanna be with him. Do for you!
Your young and there are ALOT of men out there girlie. Have fun and dont let people walk over you, they dont stop.

2007-01-04 09:18:35 · answer #5 · answered by PhnxChck 1 · 0 1

Laura it seems like this guy does not deserve your love. He does not care about your inner feelings. Don't waste your time with him girl. The guy of your dreams is there you just need to look for him. Don't get stuck on a negative endless relationship that wont take you any where. The fact is that your boyfriend is a jerk and you are too sweet. You deserve someone who compliments you and makes you complete someone who will sweep you off your feet someone who cares and takes the time to see whats going on around him. That guy really does exists don't give up Laura good luck

2007-01-04 09:19:31 · answer #6 · answered by ellie 2 · 0 0

So tell me just what is it you love about this jerk? He is an insensitive idiot and if you are hoping he will change Im telling you he will not. If someone was so rude as to start doing something else in the middle of a talk and when they did speak they were just being obnoxous when they did, I would not just stop talking I would stop seeing him. He is a jerk honey and that goes to the bone. You can't change him and you do deserve better. You think you love him, you don't but you think you do. Do youself a favor and find you someone who will appreciate you. this jerk is not the one.

2007-01-04 09:16:16 · answer #7 · answered by CindyLu 7 · 0 0

A lot of guys have no experience in talking about important things that couples need to talk about. You may need to read a book on the subject to see how to [slowly] let him know that it's ok to say what you feel and to listen to an opinion you don't share. He won't be able to change his whole life of habits immediately but you get to decide if (or when) he just isn't willing to try to change. Remember, you have a lifetime of habits too.

Good luck!

2007-01-04 09:20:22 · answer #8 · answered by paulbyr 3 · 0 0

i am in the same situation with my boyfriend, we could sit in a pub and none of us have anything to say, or he just sits there, or when i want to cuddle up and talk he just sits and watches the tv, its getting to the stage where we dont even have sex and i feel the same as if he has lost interest in me, what im doing is not seeing him for a few days, and not texting him but simply sittin bk and lettin him text/ring me and its kinda working but ill tell you its damn hard! have some time out and dont text him as much, if he comes to you then you will know his thinking of you and its meant to be, like i said so far its working for me, just back off and try not to see him as much or dont see him for 2 days but talk on the phone. good luck, i know the feeling!

2007-01-04 09:18:10 · answer #9 · answered by ice_castles 2 · 0 0

Get use to it... Really, sounds a little like my marriage (lol). Men and women communicate differently, the trick is to learn how to communicate on their level.
His sarcasm is because he is trying to see the situation on a lighter note and just wants to cool off your angry feelings. I know it is frustrating, really I do! But you know, be the bigger person and try to figure out how to communicate in a way which you will get more out of him; you will come out the winner in the long run.
Try reading "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", seriously, not to be cheesy, but it really tells you how to get a man to open up in a way where he feels comfortable and your needs for communication are met!
Best of luck to you guys, it took me a long time to figure it out but it was worth the effort!

2007-01-04 09:24:09 · answer #10 · answered by Jennifer M 4 · 0 0

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