Everyday I see most of the pretty hispanic girls with some hiphop/ black wannabe hispanic guys with long hair or corn rolls. Why do these girls prefer this crap as opposed to a decent guy who dosen't look like he just walked out from a dumpster. I get that these pricks are very cocky and confident but WHY in the hell do the best looking girls actually GO for them, dont they have any standards?
13 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
By the way, I am not being racist since I myself am Hispanic.
I am also not judging only on looks, I know for a fact that some of these guys almost never have jobs, just dropped out of high school, and the way in which they dress reflects their giant ego since it just says that they don't give a damn about anything and still get what they want.
I am not exaggerating either, I see this about 75% of the time in different neighborhoods.
10:02:26 ·
update #1
When I asked the question in Spanish, they attacked me like a pack of wolves and labeled me a racist. Their behavior answers my question: The community obviously doesn't give a damn about weeding out the bad apples and instead attacks those who point them out. By protecting these troublemakers and not calling them out, the girls are led to believe that these men are okay.
09:58:29 ·
update #2
Maybe they like guys like that. Or maybe like you said they aint got no standard. Who knows?
2007-01-04 09:11:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Young girls like the bad boys. Then they get knocked up, the guy dumps them, and they spend the rest of their lives looking for a good guy to marry them. Too late. Game over.
By the way, the hairstyle is called corn "rows," not corn rolls. It looks like rows of corn.
2007-01-04 17:11:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because these cocky, confident guys are also very unpredictable and a chellenge for women. He doesn't kiss up to her because he knows he doesn't need to, he lives in abundance. Another thing, looks don't matter as much as you may think.
2007-01-04 17:21:57
answer #3
answered by SiriuS 2
I am sure some do have standards. I think you are stereotyping all of the female hispanics out there.
2007-01-04 17:10:04
answer #4
answered by gigi_victory 3
it's this weird thing girls go through. they'll want some thug image boyfriend for awhile. eventually they grow out of it but sometimes thye end up having little thug babies then go to court for custody. it's a never ending problem. lol
2007-01-04 17:09:48
answer #5
answered by cynfyx3 2
Because they are very short sighted. They want "now" not now and later. And it's corn rows, not corn rolls.
And lotsanswers is a dumbass.
2007-01-04 17:13:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They are confident and they know how to sweet talk, girls like that.
2007-01-04 17:09:39
answer #7
answered by mouse 2
I'm with you man, I HAVE NO IDEA!!!.........most girls complain that there aren't any good guys left, but that's just because most girls aren't attracted to good guys so they date the assholes....FEMALES ARE CONFUSING!!
2007-01-04 17:11:52
answer #8
answered by AHHHHH!!BLARG! 2
I guess you just got rejected by one or a few!
2007-01-04 17:08:56
answer #9
answered by lotsaanswers 3
They don't know any better...To further answer your question, the "scumbags" may be better at charming them...
2007-01-04 17:12:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous