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Thousands still leave every day. All the money sent back isn't making much of an impact for we hear millions more will have to leave to have a better life. How many people from Mexico deserve a better life along with other countries whom also want a better life shouldn't there be a set limit so all can have a better life ? Why is Mexico allowing smugglers to operate freely without worry of any law enforcement action?

2007-01-04 08:06:23 · 12 answers · asked by MinuteWoman 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

Stephanie there are 3 nurses in my family there is no night school. That program cost thousands of dollars. Try your scam else where I know how nursing school works. You have to study day and night due to the vast amount of information to learn

2007-01-04 09:08:04 · update #1

Stephanie I doubt you have over 30 thousand dollars for a two year course.

2007-01-04 11:13:32 · update #2

12 answers


I honestly believe those at the top, have the country's best interest at heart, but the money never seems to trickle down.

2007-01-04 08:16:17 · answer #1 · answered by dark matter 3 · 1 1

Mexico is a resource rich country- outside of the monies sent by their people from the USA-. The money that is sent is certainly having an impact on the Mexican economy. Nobody can argue otherwise. That explains one possible reason the Mexican government is not interested in tackling the problem of illegal immigration. You must understand what the ingredients that make a great country are. If you do not, you will be reduced to asking simple questions and finding well, simplistic and maybe stupid answers.

2007-01-04 16:26:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because sometimes it isn't about how much money you give, it's about making sure you're giving it for the right issues, and then that you follow up on how it is being spent. The same thing applies to Africa where more money isn't necessarily what is needed.

Sometimes the structures to spend the money effectively just don't exist in the country you are trying to help, and therefore all the cash ends up in the pockets of corrupt leaders at different levels of the bureaucracy.

I think it's both the donor and receptor countries' responsibility to make sure that the investments are being useful to the population. Often though there is too little political will on both sides to succeed - it's easier to just send money and then forget about its application, while feeling good for "doing something".

2007-01-04 16:25:43 · answer #3 · answered by ggs1982 2 · 1 0

Mexico have a lots of problems that they as Mexicans can't handle. In the USA we have a melting pot, people from all over the world living and working together as one, Americans. Mexico doesn't have this problem with different races, nationalities, etc. but they still can't come together and united for a better Mexico. WHY? Well, very simple they are inept, corrupted and with out laws that could be enforce in the name of their citizens. Mexico is the richest country in Latin America, oil, minerals, billions of $$ are giving by the US government, billions of $$ that their illegal citizens send to their families, American corporations that are in the country, etc. and they are a third world coutry, in the Americas and the world. In their Constitution foreign companies can't compete with their companies in no way. So, no new technology can go in and help better themself, they are a close economy. The Mexican population is divided in to two category, rich and extremely poor. New government take over and their citizens stay the same.. And the question that we as Americans have to ask: Why do the American middle class have to pay for the mistakes of the Mexican government. That is not our country and they should take care of their own problems,,, like we do here.

2007-01-04 16:38:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Obviously it isn't going to make much of an impact. The money goes to peoples families. I'm sure people who are here from other countries illegally are sending money back to their families too. The law enforcement in Mexico is corrupt. Also all the Drug Cartels are taking over. Try going to the city Juarez and you will find out.

Also: I'm not a Nurses Aid. I'm going to school to be a RN and working for a family owned business. I work during the day and go to school at night. It's none of your business anyway. All I said was I'm paying to go to school out of my own pocket and maybe some people need to quit depending on the government for help.

There is night school. I go to night classes. You know some people have to work to make money while they go to school. I bet you your family members are the ones living off the government to go to school. You don't know me so shut up and mind your own business. Your name is Minutewomen go down on the border and do something if you don't like it. Quit acting like you are one of the Minutemen and you are doing something for this country. Your just a bunch of talk. So because night school costs thousands of dollars I can't go. You don't know how much money I have.

2007-01-04 16:20:00 · answer #5 · answered by Sparkles 4 · 3 2

yep and we keep sending it like stupid people i think its time we stopped and demand mexico take care of themselves .

2007-01-04 18:20:48 · answer #6 · answered by hayleylov 6 · 1 0

It has to do with a mentality... you can toss a billion dollars to someone, but if they're not motivated at all, it's not going to do them a d&$@ bit of good...

2007-01-04 16:26:50 · answer #7 · answered by maccrew6 6 · 1 3

They don't spend it on the right things.

2007-01-04 16:19:20 · answer #8 · answered by ♥ Tori ♥ 5 · 0 0

well maybe b/c they kept the money for themselves em?

2007-01-04 16:22:58 · answer #9 · answered by who am i 2 · 2 0

the government is self influenced- "hey we will give you $30,000- just dont say anything..." get my hint!!

2007-01-04 16:12:49 · answer #10 · answered by mitt w 3 · 1 0

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