How do i grab his attention?
there's this guy in the club, i see him twice every week, i'm realy into him, and some of my friends told me that he likes me too, but i don't realy believe them, how do i make him notice me,i chat with him on the msn and we talk,but rarely, we never talk in the club,so i nearly know him,and he's playing that he's hard to get, no girl managed to be his girlfriend before, that doesn't mean that a guy did, but he haven't had a gf before and he doesn't want to....
what should i do, he's been my life for these past 5 months, i'm going koko!!!
this was my previous question and 1 of the answers was to get his phone number and talk,i already have his cell phone number, wouldn't call, i'm too shy to do it!!!HELP ME!!!!
5 answers
asked by
Rola E.M.
Family & Relationships
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