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Ok, well this is my first question on here.

I have an absolutely wonderful boyfriend. The thing is that before he asked me out, I found out that my friend liked him. That same night he asked me out and I said yes. I felt really bad that I had just kinda broke my friend's heart. Please realize that before he asked me, I asked her if she minded if I went out with him. She assured me that it was fine. That she just liked him as a friend. That's why I said yes. My friend acts very strange towards me now. Like she will ignore me. And just recently, she started saying really offensive stuff to me. Like she makes fun of me for kissing him and things like that. My boyfriend and I have been going out for 5 weeks now and she still acts like this. How do I politely tell her that what she says hurts both me and my bf? Or how do I get me friend back? Please note that breaking up with him is not an option.

2007-01-03 12:26:59 · 5 answers · asked by missinickib1 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

So, let's see.

"breaking up is not an option" -- which is a fancy way of saying "if I can't get my friend back without losing my boyfriend, then I don't want my friend back."

So your new boyfriend is more important to you than your friend is, and, let's face it, your friend KNOWS IT. Besides, she probably didn't want you to date him, she was just being polite and supportive. You went ahead and did it anyway, and you've proven to her that her friendship isn't very important to you.

So? Don't hang out with her. You don't want her as a friend, so stop flaunting it in her face. You're dating the guy she likes and you don't care. You'd rather have the guy you're dating than have her as a friend. You know, that's fine, but don't yank her chain.

Her teasing is her way of coping with the fact that she's hurt and disappointed, by trying to make light of it and simultaneously hurt you. It's time for you folks to stop being friends, not in a big melodramatic way, but just stop spending time together.

Someday you may break up with this guy (or him with you), and you may be friends again, but as it stands now you're all miserable. Move on.

2007-01-03 12:36:35 · answer #1 · answered by daveowenville 4 · 0 0

Tell her that she made her bed now lay in it.If she liked him then she should'nt have kept her mouth shut other than to tell you to go for it.She's being immature and jealous and you can't undo whats been done and hurt 2 peoples feelings so hers will not be hurt.You're going to lose her as a friend but that's what she wants.She just wants you to be the one to push her away so she'll have a reason to be mad at you.
Don't give it to her.Tell her the next time she opens her mouth in a derogatory way that you don't want to lose her friendship but you have'nt got time to deal with her pettiness and you'd prefer if she can't act like the friend you know and love then she needs to go elsewhere until she finds that person again.Like maybe when she finds a b/f.Then she won't be so jealous of you and yours.

2007-01-03 12:55:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

omg !! ts ok. dont freak out. this is simple. everyone knows that no matter what your freind says they are never ok with it. she expected you to say no anyways and be a good friend. but at the same time she should have been strate up with you. now you have to put yourself in her shoes. how would you feel?? seeing your best freind and your crush make out everyday. its like rubbing in her friend. im sure you wouldnt like it either. so heres what you do. you get her and sit her down. talk to her alone. first apologize for everything. then tell her how you feel. eventually she will lossen up and you guys will end up pouring out your feelings. it will all work out. i promise.

good luck!!

2007-01-03 12:35:21 · answer #3 · answered by kungfu Kristen 5 · 0 0

Have a threesome and then everyone is happy

2007-01-03 12:53:35 · answer #4 · answered by Bryan S 1 · 0 0

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