Aww, that's too bad that you're new year isn't starting off on a good foot! Mine has been okay. I'm not back in school yet, so it hasn't really been bad or stressful. I hope your year improves, starting now!
2007-01-03 12:18:29
answer #1
answered by jennabeanski 4
I feel like the new year needs to be better for me. Something has to give. I have been broke too long. So far i have been depressed the last three days because I went into the new year broke. Something better change for me or I might end up taking drastic measures just to earn them benjamins for my children and family.
2007-01-03 20:20:44
answer #2
answered by sistacbell 1
Yeah, if New Year's Eve is any indication of the coming year then I will probably get sick and die this year. Luckily I'm not very superstitious. It's supposed to be good luck if you kiss a girl on the lips right after New Years, but the only woman that kissed me was my mom and on the cheek and she had the flu so bad that she was vomiting and had diahrea that night. Yep. I'm definitely going to die.
2007-01-03 20:21:31
answer #3
answered by Cheshire Cat 6
I feel a little different because I can't believe that its 2007 and I just feel different and weird. No new changes have happened yet but hopefully something will change.
2007-01-03 20:21:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My New Year is off to a rocky start as well. I refuse to be discouraged by this, however. Last year started great and ended badly. Perhaps this year will be the reverse. Good luck to you and Best Wishes for the New Year!
2007-01-03 20:21:23
answer #5
answered by Moxie 1
2007 is going to be the BEST year I have ever had! Everything is already coming up roses! If it gets any better, I'll have to hire help to enjoy it!
2007-01-03 20:19:27
answer #6
answered by olderbutwiser 7
just let go
don't worry about little thing like this
is it even really worth your time think about how you feel better in the new year
when the clocks turn over
some people like to think a reset buttons been pushed..
2007-01-03 20:19:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well I feel the same way. the new year feels different because I cant really remember anything about 06 so everything feels new to me. good luck.
2007-01-03 20:23:37
answer #8
answered by Joho 7
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
So far it has sucked for SO was cheating on me and i kicked him out, but I'm trying to look at it as a positive...I'm better off without someone like that in my life.
It's a new year, a chance to make new things happen!
2007-01-03 20:21:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yea my my feelings change, but i hope that this year 2007 will be better than last year's.
2007-01-03 20:18:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous