Honestly...I don't think 3 weeks is enough time to really know someone, BUT stranger things have happened. If I was you, I would just be neutral, and a friend she can confide in if she needs to, if you are negative she may push you away. Thats the great things about good friends...they allow us to make mistakes, know are faults, and continue to support us and love us anyways. You can tell her that you are concerned, but don't be negative
2007-01-03 12:06:59
answer #1
answered by angelistic_flirt 2
Attitudes about marriage have changed so much over the last few decades, that sometimes it is hard to put these things in their proper perspective. So often nowadays people date for years before getting engaged, then they are engaged for a few more years. Before pre-marital sex was socially acceptable, people got married much more quickly. It's easy to forget that the majority of those "hasty" marriages lasted decades.
Perhaps your friend and her beau are two soul mates who have finally found each other. I have a relative who married her husband after only ONE WEEK. They've been married for years and couldn't be happier. It may seem fast to you, but really it's only for the two of them to say.
I think you should give your friend the benefit of the doubt. They'll be plenty of people ready to rain on her parade. Why don't you try to be the exception?
2007-01-03 20:17:02
answer #2
answered by Moxie 1
Anything is possible. I knew a guy whose parents dated for 1 week while the dad was on a business trip...Then his dad picked up and moved across the country to be with his mom...after only dating 1 week. They were married until his dad died.
My advice: They are young..but they aren't kids. Stay out of it and try to be supportive. Just be there if your friend needs you.
2007-01-03 20:04:34
answer #3
answered by You Don't Know Me! 4
That is hard to say ,,,,,, I have met a man and women that went on there first date , got engaged on the second date , and married on the third date , they have been married 65 years now ..... All you can do is support your friend , and pray for her to be happy .
2007-01-03 20:03:30
answer #4
answered by christina3661@yahoo.com 2
Well if they have been going out for 3 weeks
-Its only right if they have really known each other that fast--or maybe they have already asked each other about theirselves
-Its wrong if it's all a lust---and also very wrong if its all just about SEX
-Ask ur friend---does she like HIM because hes rich and a manager? or because she loves his personalities
U should do what you have to do---tell her that if she likes him because of his money---tell her that its wrong using someone coz of money--and if she really likes him coz she likes his personalities--let her go (if u think that it'll make her happy)
2007-01-03 20:06:08
answer #5
answered by ^_^' 2
I think it is a little too quick, I mean its hard to see what a person is really like in less then a month. Be supportive that she is in a good relationship, but politely question the timing
2007-01-03 20:02:40
answer #6
answered by StressedSweetie 2
Yes it is too soon. 3 weeks!!!!!! Some people will date for 4 years before even thinking of marriage. But if it meant to happen suppport her.
2007-01-03 20:04:26
answer #7
answered by rock_star_2012 1
hey some people believe in love at first sight. Maybe they know they are right for each other .. Let them be happy. Time will tell if they were meant to be for each other or not.
2007-01-03 20:01:34
answer #8
answered by blueigurl34 3
Well...it may sound unrealistic, but its possible to be in love like that...I understand that's ur friend and u don't want her to get hurt but I'm sure she's putting her best interest first...Give it time...It may be soon, but it could be a match made in heaven!
2007-01-03 20:02:33
answer #9
answered by violet83 2
Love has no timeframe. For 3 weeks, it may be enough for a guy to decide on marriage.
2007-01-03 20:02:21
answer #10
answered by burr burr 2