If you don't already have a passionate feeling for this guy, then no you don't like him. I think you would know if there were something more there, maybe he should be a friend and only a friend. If there isnt a natural organic chemistry between the two of you then you don't like him. Don't waste your time right now, you may not be ready to move on quite yet.
2007-01-03 09:10:16
answer #1
answered by jim 4
Just go with the idea to just enjoy the evening and have a good time. Don't try to read more into it than that right now. If he's the one, things will start to unfold and you and he will both know it. Just take this one day at a time. Let time be on your side.... you don't desperately have to have a man in your life right now. You need a little breathing room. Good luck.
2007-01-03 17:13:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well If you feel that you are not ready to date then go out with this person as a friend for now until you are ready to hit the dating scene once again, This does not have to be a date ,date it could be a social gathering. If you want to pursue a date with him take your time and make sure that you are enjoying yourself and let him know about the date and that you and him could just take it slow for awhile and just go out socially if he wants more then a date, You have to be positive about what you want and what you hope to accomplish in a future relationship and what the things you are doing are worth it. You know what you can handle and how you feel. So you you have to decipher for yourself how far you want to go and what you want to do.
2007-01-03 17:14:13
answer #3
answered by gordonflames242003 4
Friendship can turn into love. If you don't feel romantic make sure he knows in advance that you just have to see how things go. Don't say anything you don't mean. And if you want to keep him as your friend do not have sex. I know in this day and time some people do, and some don't have sex before marriage. Just be careful not to carry your old relationship into your new one. Leave the old behind and don't mention his name, and don't compare, and have a good time enjoy yourself and take your time.
2007-01-03 17:27:29
answer #4
answered by queenie one 3
If you really liked him, would not have to ask this question, give the guy a break, and let him know he's just a friend and you would never go out with him!!
2007-01-03 17:10:02
answer #5
answered by Sir Hard & Thick 2
surely its the rite time to move on.
go up girl n enjoy the life coz i feel u like him.
dont be confused!
2007-01-03 17:11:56
answer #6
answered by viper 2
Go out with him and then see how you feel. It can't hurt to go out with the guy.
2007-01-03 17:09:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
yes it is, u should move on with your life and find someone else. good luck.
2007-01-03 17:13:24
answer #8
answered by Joho 7
2007-01-03 17:10:10
answer #9
answered by longhornchick200318 2
just go out with him!!!!
2007-01-03 17:12:33
answer #10
answered by lize 4