If you know what school you are going to, go to their financial aid dept for assistance. They are getting paid to help people just like you to learn the ropes. You will need your parents tax forms from last year for the FAFSA. You can complete the form online but it make be better and more informative if you go to your school where someone can take you step by step through the process. Also, to complete the form online, you need a PIN, which the dept of education will have to mail you, so if you are in a hurry, I would suggest to fill out the paper form that you can sign and send in.
Good luck and congrats on furthering your education.
2007-01-03 14:13:32
answer #3
answered by melirose20 2
Financial aid is any funding going towards your education. There are two categories for aid: need-based and merit-based. Need based is, well, strictly based on need. If you need it, you get it; that easy! Merit-based is granted based on grades, essays, or other things.
Aid comes in 3 different forms: scholarships, grants, and loans. They have both need-based and mert-basd scholarships and grants. All loans are need based.
You asked about forms!! Most likely, you have to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Beware; other websites will offer to fill it out for you at a price, but it's free!! To fill out your FAFSA, you need:
-Your Social Security Number (can be found on Social Security card)
-Your driver's license (if any)
-Your 2006 W-2 Forms and other records of money earned
-Your (and your spouse's, if you are married) 2006 Federal Income Tax Return - IRS Form 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, foreign tax return, or tax return for Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia or Palau
-Your parents' 2006 Federal Income Tax Return (if you are a dependent student)
-Your 2006 untaxed income records - Social Security, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, welfare, or veterans benefits records
-Your most recent bank statements
-Your most recent business and investment mortgage information, business and farm records, stock, bond, and other investment records
-Your alien registration number or permanent residence card (if you are not a U.S. citizen)
Most likely, you will use your parent's info, so you will need the same documents from them.
Some colleges require you fill out the CSS/PROFILE; that you have to pay for.
Deadlines for the 2007-2008 School Year (July 1st, 2007 - June 30th, 2008):
-FAFSA on the Web and Renewal FAFSA on the Web applications must be submitted by midnight Central Daylight time, June 30, 2008. Corrections on the Web forms must be submitted by midnight Central Daylight time, September 15, 2008. State deadlines may be earlier, and the school's deadline may be even earlier!!
State dealines:
Alabama Check with your financial aid administrator
Alaska April 15, 2007 - date received
American Samoa Check with your financial aid administrator
Arizona June 30, 2008 - date received
Arkansas For Academic Challenge - June 1, 2007
date received
For Workforce Grant - check with your financial aid administrator
California For initial awards - March 2, 2007
For additional community college awards -
September 2, 2007 - date postmarked
Colorado Check with your financial aid administrator
Connecticut Check with your financial aid administrator
Delaware April 15, 2007 - date received
District of Columbia June 30, 2007 - date received by state
Federated States of Micronesia Check with your financial aid administrator
Florida May 15, 2007 - date processed
Georgia Check with your financial aid administrator
Guam Check with your financial aid administrator
Hawaii Check with your financial aid administrator
Idaho Check with your financial aid administrator
Illinois First-time applicants - September 30, 2007
Continuing applicants - August 15, 2007 -
date received
Indiana March 10, 2007 - date received
Iowa July 1, 2007 - date received
Kansas April 1, 2007 - date received
Kentucky March 15, 2007 - date received
Louisiana July 1, 2007 (date received)
Maine May 1, 2007 - date received
Marshall Islands Check with your financial aid administrator
Maryland March 1, 2007 - date received
Massachusetts May 1, 2007 - date received
Michigan March 1, 2007 - date received
Minnesota 30 days after term starts (date received)
Mississippi Check with your financial aid administrator
Missouri April 1, 2007 - date received
Montana March 1, 2007 - date received
Nebraska Check with your financial aid administrator
Nevada Check with your financial aid administrator
New Hampshire May 1, 2007 - date received
New Jersey June 1, 2007 if you received a Tuition Aid Grant in 2006-2007
All other applications - October 1, 2007, for fall and spring terms;
March 1, 2008, for spring term only - date received
New Mexico Check with your financial aid administrator
New York May 1, 2008 - date received
North Carolina March 15, 2007 - date received
North Dakota March 15, 2007 - date received
Northern Mariana Islands Check with your financial aid administrator
Ohio October 1, 2007 - date received
Oklahoma April 15, 2007 (date received) for best consideration
Oregon March 1, 2007
Final deadline - Check with your financial aid administrator
Palau Check with your financial aid administrator
Pennsylvania All 2006-2007 State Grant recipients and all non-2006-2007 State Grant recipients in degree programs - May 1, 2007.
All other applicants - August 1, 2007 -
date received
Puerto Rico Check with your financial aid administrator
Rhode Island March 1, 2007 - date received
South Carolina June 30, 2007 - date received
South Dakota Check with your financial aid administrator
Tennessee For State Grant - March 1, 2007
For State Lottery - September 1, 2007 - date received
Texas Check with your financial aid administrator
U.S. Virgin Islands Check with your financial aid administrator
Utah Check with your financial aid administrator
Vermont Check with your financial aid administrator
Virginia Check with your financial aid administrator
Washington Check with your financial aid administrator
West Virginia March 1, 2007 - date received
Wisconsin Check with your financial aid administrator
Wyoming Check with your financial aid administrator
In any event, contact the school's Office of Student Aid, and sens it in ASAP!
2007-01-03 19:11:19
answer #7
answered by mizz_milk06 4