He is a pig- tell him that you won't do it. You should NEVER degrade yourself for a man. This is the reason he has an ex-wife, either, she got sick of him treating her like that, or she decided that she did not like men anymore.
If I were you I would dump him, I wouldn't have had to ask this question- I would have already dumped him.
Find a man who respects you, and does not see you only as his sex toy.
2007-01-03 02:58:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You're obviously uncomfortable with the idea; say NO!
Ever stop to think this might be one of the reasons he's no longer married?
Give your relationship with this guy some hard thought; could be you're just wasting your time on a looser.
2007-01-03 02:57:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Are you Brazilian? Haha. i might evaluate any variety of tanned lady unique. additionally, females with an outrageously astounding shape. in spite of fairly stands out and is not basic in someone's style may be considered unique to maximum. for occasion, a guy it fairly is commonly attracted to white, blond females will probable detect a tanned, brunette lady with green eyes unique. something distant places...it is for specific.
2016-12-15 14:44:45
answer #3
answered by zabel 4
The question is whether or not you want to have sex with another woman. If it's not smething that you're interested in let your boyfriend know that and if he really cares about you he'll lay off.
2007-01-03 03:01:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you do not want to do it than tell him! There is nothing wrong with wanting a relationship with one person without having to share it with Sally! If he does not understand than maybe you need to move on! Maybe, that is why he has an X! She did not like it either! Just be honest with yourself and with him...you will be happy with yourself!!!
2007-01-03 03:03:00
answer #5
answered by September Sweetie 5
I'm thinking honey, that your not enough for this guy!
IF it was so great with the EX, then why aren't they still together???
You shouldn't let his desires in a relationship be met, until he can be interested in you.
Doesn't it make you feel dirty or that your not good enough for him? It would me! I'd dump his butt!!
2007-01-03 02:56:53
answer #6
answered by peggin_beast 6
Don't do it. That is a very selfish request on his part. You notice he did it with his EX wife. (need I say more)?
2007-01-03 02:59:10
answer #7
answered by NAN G 6
It's your choice. You decide. He must respect your decision.
2007-01-03 02:54:38
answer #8
answered by JB 6
He wouldn't be my BF anymore... I'd kick him out the door.
2007-01-03 03:00:46
answer #9
answered by 2007 5
it's your decision, not his. If you are bi curious then give it a try, if not then refuse. tell him to bring a guy home, give him a BJ and swallow it all. Tell him your old B/F used to do that.
2007-01-03 02:56:14
answer #10
answered by oldsoftee2001 6