One can usually tell by the body language if a girl wants to be kissed. If you move in to kiss her and she leans away you'll know!
2007-01-03 02:14:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hard question.... Well, if it is obvious that you both are flirting alone together, then it could be a good time to make an advance. You can almost tell when a kiss is coming. For example, the conversation might quiet down and the energy from the two of you bring your bodies closer, you tend to look at each other in the eyes... When all this starts happening she wants a kiss. Or maybe she starts leaning into you or grabs your hand. Maybe, if you haven't kissed yet, you should try just putting your arms around her or holding her hand and seeing where that gets you. If she lets you hold her, she will most likely let you kiss her. It's all about body language and picking up her clues...
Oh yeah! And asking is lame, don't ever ask! It will seriosuly kill the moment. Girls like confidence and if she can feel your unconfidence it will become a major turn off!
2007-01-03 02:18:37
answer #2
answered by prettyaspnk 2
First off, you had better be sure that's what she wants. There is no greater rejection than a girl backing away from your kiss attempt. Asking just doesn't sound right, "Excuse me, but would you mind if I kissed you?". You'll know if she wants you kiss her or not, if you get that vibe, lean over and go for it!!
2007-01-03 02:16:54
answer #3
answered by Steve 3
It is always polite to ask, especially when dealing with someone else's body. The time will come along after you get to know her really will, that you will know for sure she wants to be kissed without her even saying a single word
2007-01-03 02:17:19
answer #4
answered by Ann J 3
I think asking her would be very endearing. Just say something sweet like, If I don't kiss you soon I'll go crazy, may I? Please?
Good luck. I love the beginning of relationships, so many firsts!
2007-01-03 02:17:28
answer #5
answered by Firespider 7
Traditionally, the guy usually makes the first move, so since you want to know, Just suprise her with a sweet and soft kiss and see how she responds to it, You will never know what she will think until you go for it.
2007-01-03 02:18:00
answer #6
answered by gordonflames242003 4
Girls find it more romantic when a guy she likes just kisses her out of the blue. Plus, it will be a kiss she will never forget.
2007-01-03 02:15:36
answer #7
answered by Doll 101 6
Kiss the gal. U ask about other things. Good luck G. Whatever happens be ready to have your heart broken sooner or later, just wanted to warn ya. Really I do wish you good Luck.
2007-01-03 02:17:31
answer #8
answered by Blues Man 7
As a woman- I would say- take the plunge. But do it slowly, don't just do it so fast she don't know its coming, slowly move towards her face and then focus on her eyes and keep leaning until your lips meet, if your uncomfortable doing it slowly then I would say to ask her, but she may get nervouse and say No. Good Luck and make sure she doesn't have herpes first....
2007-01-03 02:16:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I recommend just going in for the kiss. This way she will think that you a strong confident man. Girls like that. A little cocky confidence goes a long way. If you ask her it may work but it also might make her think that you lack confidence, and girls definately don't like that. Good luck.
2007-01-03 02:16:30
answer #10
answered by jwkramer54 2