I was talking to my bf last nite and we couldn't agree on this. He has a really good female friend that he's known for 18 years and he feels like she's a sister to him. Nothing has actually happened between them, but there was 2 occasions where he made some inappropriate passes at her when he was drunk. During New Year's Eve, we were hanging out, drinking, and having a good time. As the evening progressed, she laid her legs across his lap for a little bit, which didn't both me too much cause I was right there. I can see that as being a bro/sis bond. But then she jumped on his back for a piggy back ride because he was in her way. In my eyes, these actions made me a little uncomfortable. It just seemed like inappropriate behavior. He doesn't see anything wrong with it. He stresses that they are like bro and sis. Am I over reacting?
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
She doesn't really drink and she likes "tall, dark, and handsome" guys. My bf is not tall and not dark.
01:20:07 ·
update #1