Its ok as long as you make u preserve ur self dignity. First of all, for future notice, its good that you've admitted that one of the reasons you helped her was because she was pretty and you wanted to be friends. I HAVE BEEN THERE!-The thing is its okay to admire someone, but try to keep a handle on ur admiration and emotions. She, on the inside, is no more beautiful than u are. Try to find out what you like about her. If its her confidence, try to build your confidence; if its her hair then admire hers but know that yours is cool in its own way. Once you've learned to value yourself and value others; you can start judging actions. If someone does something that bothers you, casually tell them so that they don't feel hurt, but know that they should stop. It okay to make compromises under the right conditions, but never compromise your dignity and self-respect. It is understandable that she forgot to return your call. Teach her to help herself with her homework when your not around. Also know that you shouldn't have to promise someone something in exchange for their friendship, it sounds like you did w/ offering her dinner; but again its on your judgement. I don't know the entire situation, ask yourself why you offered her, was it because you wanted to regain her friendship, make up for being mad, becasue you two have become close friends, or because she's been having a rough time and you wanted to help her out. Just keep this in mind for promises you make in the future. Go meet her, afterall you gave her your word; its not okay to break a promise. Good Luck in developing a balanced relationship w/ your friend. ;)
2007-01-02 15:29:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sorry to tell you this. If a girl isn't answering the phone or calling you, she doesn't like you that much. I would not buy her dinner or believe her story. Dude, she doesn't like you that much or she would have called you to say, I was thinking of you but don't have time to talk.
2007-01-02 15:30:57
answer #2
answered by coolchick 3
i dont buy that busy story everyone has used that and to pick up a phone its not hard to do ive been used by a friend i know iam tired of being used and abuse not orth the head ache they always take and take till u cant give nomore but yeah meet with her just be warned and dont let her use and abuse u again
2007-01-02 15:33:07
answer #3
answered by dvcgurl 7
NO it is not! She is rude and uncuthe. She should have answered your call or at least had the decency to call you back. Screw her. Now she just wants to eat on your dollar. Take her and get her a 99c cheese burger and tell her that's all can afford. No more cheating for her. Find you a nice girl that will appreciate you. '-)
2007-01-02 15:32:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Get smart. There is no reason not to answer the phone. She totally used you. But let this be a lesson. just like in 007. Make sure you get something for what you are giving. Dont just give in vain.
2007-01-02 15:31:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Give it another shot. Maybe you two got off on the wrong foot. If you like her it may be worth dinner to find out where things go. If not, you will always wonder "what if".
2007-01-02 15:32:24
answer #6
answered by Kari 4
Just know that she is a taker. Maybe she is a fun person to be with and that makes up for the fact that she isn't pulling her half of the friendship. Go out with her if you want, just know her limitations as a friend or partner.
2007-01-02 15:31:14
answer #7
answered by tenbadthings 5
I'm sorry...are you asking if it's Ok to date a Chinese girl ???
Are you asking if it's Ok to be used ???
Are you asking if it's Ok to date only 'pretty' Chinese girls ???
Are you asking if it's Ok to date busy people ???
Are you asking if it's Ok to be angry ???
I think you know the answers to all these questions and I think you know the answer to your own...
2007-01-02 15:32:32
answer #8
answered by Chrys 7
hmmm.. yeah your not seeing a pattern yet? Wouldn't her calling you for you to buy her dinner still be using you? Hey just call me captain obvious. and I shall call you captain oblivious
2007-01-02 15:30:41
answer #9
answered by Songbird 2
Uh... yes it's ok..? Why wouldn't it be? Not everyone can answer their phone 24/7.
2007-01-02 15:32:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous