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This is just a follow up to a question i asked earlier about breeding my dog, who i love dearly, and would never want to hurt, exploit or upset in anyway. Why did so many people just get angry at me? I just wanted to ask an innocent question and people really went off on me.

The majority of answers were really aggressive and made me feel like i was being seen as an animal abuser!!! I love my dog, she is the best friend i have ever had, she is sitting here on the bed with me sleeping and perfectly happy. I am really upset by people's reactions.

2007-01-02 15:10:25 · 15 answers · asked by imaginarykitten 3 in Pets Dogs

15 answers

Hi, don't worry about what others say, people do get heated about others wanting to breed their dogs and their arguments aren't unjustified what with all the dogs in rescue centres, however, I have to add this, and will probably get slated for it but here goes, I have kept German Shepherds for over 30 years now and I have only ever bought my dogs from people such as yourself, because if a b1tch is in a home environment their temperaments tend to be more stable, If I was to breed from one of my bitches (the youngest is a White one also) it would be done in the house, where the pups would be handled from day 1 and would be able to hear things like vacs,washing machines dishwashers etc etc, I am NOT saying that full time dog breeders do it wrong but if you are pupping 2 or more bitches in a year then how can you possibly give the attention that a one time pet b1tch breeder does? someone who loves their dog as 1 of the family and wants to experience the joy of seeing their dogs temperament past down! I am VERY careful when I go to look at pups I make absolutely certain that I have seen the hip and elbow scores of both dam and sire, I insist on looking at their papers to see also how closely the pups have been bred, and on the day I go to pick my puppy up believe me if I am not happy about how the pups looked then I wouldn't buy one. I'm an experienced dog owner and know what to look for so that is in my favour.
If you do decide to go ahead have you b1tch hip scored, elbow scored and blood tested to see if she is a haemophilia carrier, whatever dog you choose if he hasn't been scored do not use him, talk to GSD breeders especially White GSD breeders let them know your bitches pedigree, they will help you, let them be honest with you, ask them if your b1tch is good enough to breed, if they say yes then great, let them advise you further, but if they say no then accept this and then consider getting your b1tch spayed.
My white pup was out of a family pet but her sire was owned by a white GSD breeder.
I wish you lots of luck!

2007-01-02 18:53:43 · answer #1 · answered by Pawstimes16 4 · 0 2

When wanting to breed an animal you have to look at all the aspects of doing so.

Its your dog and if you have the time energy and money o put into breeding the dog and you have looked into any problems that you may come across IE genetic disorders, birthing problems, quality of the animal, the history or the animal, and the blood lines, then it is your choice and aggressive answers to you question shouldn't change the way you feel.

If you do decided to breed then please look into every corner of the breed and the quality of the puppy's you will produce.

When people are saying about the local animal centre i can see why they say this as yes there alot of abandoned dogs. If you look into every corner then you can find out alot about the breed of your dog and the quality's and down sides to the breed every breed has them.

Also i would advise finding a breeder of the same breed of dog and talking to them about there views and about any problems they have come across. If you do your ground and background work into the breed then this can Help you decided weather you would want to breed your dog or not. It is your dog and you can only decided what o do with her, i would advise if this is what you want to do your heart then just do the background work.

2007-01-02 22:20:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, you are not an animal abuser. But if you do breed, you need to have so much invested in it. There's so much research, health tests, and showing involved. If you breed without those things, you would be a back yard breeder. They don't all keep their dogs in terrible conditions with no socialization---many are just uninformed and want to breed their pet. It still results in many puppies that eventually end up in a shelter.

GSD's , as you probably know, have significant problems with health. There are overflowing gsd rescues that don't have enough space for them all.

Breeding questions from people looking to breed their pet get antagonistic answers because so many of us deal with backyardbreeder's mistakes. We're afraid you'd contribute to the problem. I am NOT saying your baby is anything other than happy.

Just spay her and love her. That way, she won't need to be treated for certain cancers etc. and may live longer.

2007-01-02 15:29:22 · answer #3 · answered by Jupiter 3 · 3 0

Well i didn't see your question before, but people can be really mean about this. If people want to answer question on here then do so, there is no reason to be mean about it. If you don't like the question then don't answer it.

But about your dog. Its up to you. since it sounds like shes a girl, u just got to remember that you get to take care of the pups. Just a few things to keep in mind. (and i will not judge you on this) That you have to help them *do it* they can't just do it on there own. Most of the time you have to help them line up. Also the vet bills and time. That all the pups are healthy and get good homes. One other thing, must dogs would probably not care either way. Just look at her, does she seem really motherly, maybe she would like to be a mom. If you love her, and you don't mind doing all this work (oh + learning how to help her give birth and take the clear skin off the baby's when they come out) then do it, and keep one pup then you will always have a part of her with you. Hope this all helps

2007-01-02 15:20:32 · answer #4 · answered by Julie Ann 3 · 1 0

that is not racist. they are canines, not human beings. So, they might desire to alter breed common in undemanding terms for you? No. Sorry youngster. in case you needed a canines you will possibly desire to tutor, then you definately might desire to are turning out to be a tutor high quality one...meaning, one that wasn't a color that is a DQ. the only element you could not do together with her is conformation. If she is AKC registered, she would be in a position to do each thing else. it may be the comparable element if she had a chunk fault. She does not be a stable actual occasion of the breed. in all probability a great puppy. might additionally be great at different activities, yet not suitable for conformation. EDIT: observed that your Q replaced into from the united kingdom...KC regulations are distinctly lots the comparable as AKC. you're able to do maximum something together with her different than conformation. maximum of the individuals of GSD's bred can't be shown in conformation for some reason or yet another. that's a small minority of GSD's...or any breed for that remember...that are conformation tutor textile.

2016-12-15 07:46:13 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Dear Kitten,
I think it is because so many people come on here and on other forums who are irresponsible about their dogs. In your first post you did not really give any indications as to how much you know about breeding so people had a knee jerk reaction. You saw my post with the stats about how many dogs the US has to kill each year. BTW, that comes out to 19 dogs every 2 seconds that are killed for the want of a home. Many of these are thrown away by their owners because the animal has become inconvenient. We just get worn out by careless, thoughtless, selfish owners and lash out. I am not saying it is right for us to do that, just trying to explain why.

The only reason to ever breed is to improve the breed. It is very expensive to do it correctly, and very time consuming.

2007-01-02 15:35:03 · answer #6 · answered by doggzma 3 · 1 0

And most important of all, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO BREED A WHITE SHEPHERD? They are a genetic abomination. Please do not bring any more crap into the world. The German Shepherd has suffered enough is the last few years with people breeding dogs that should have never been bred. And just so we understand each other, I am not a humaniac nor a tree hugger, but, I am a huge proponent of breeding dogs for their intended purpose ONLY. What kind of WORKING titles has your dog ever gotten? NOT SHOW TITLES. What type of rating do her hips have? Has her temperament ever been evaluated by a Kormeister? I am willing to bet you that the answer to those questions is a big "?". The last words of Max Von Stephanitz, the father of the German Shepherd were, "whatever you do, make sure my dog stays a working dog" Please adhere to those words. And as for the member here who claims that she will only buy shepherds from people like you, well, that is what the problem today is.

2007-01-02 23:17:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

yI agree. People need to understand that just because you are not a big time breeder and you don't enter your dog into shows, doesn't mean that you are a back yard breeder who will sell pups to any one, not get pups vet checked, breed with any dog, etc. I'm sick of these know it alls who come on here when people ask breeding questions and think that breeding a dog had to be all heighty tighty. Don't worry about those people. If you need any help Email me and I will see if I can help. Good luck

2007-01-02 15:31:11 · answer #8 · answered by Charity D 2 · 2 1

Not angry with you. But, unless you can keep ALL the puppies, just stop at your local animal shelter, and there you will find the answer as to why you shouldn't breed her.The number of animals put down yearly is incredible--just ask them.And remember, that each puppy she has will be able to have even more puppies. She doesn't need to have puppies, she just loves to be with you. You will also cut down on her chances of ovarian cancer.

2007-01-02 15:16:11 · answer #9 · answered by Erin P 2 · 1 0

I dont know why people would get mad at you. I have two GSD...and there both on the couch with me right now. They are great dogs. Just ignore what people have to say if it is negative.

2007-01-02 16:14:16 · answer #10 · answered by HUBBS 2 · 0 0

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