Honestly, the best way to beat the frizz is to NOT touch your hair. Also, letting it dry naturally is the best choice. I use a leave on conditioner, twirl a few strands with my finger to make a nice structured curl, use a diffuser on my hair dryer but don't dry my hair completely. Then let it air dry. Next I put a nickle of curl cream (never use gel on curly hair!) and gently lift and scrunch hair from below and a bit on the crown. Then....don't touch it! IF you do get frizz later in the day, keep some serum in your purse or desk and use the tiniest bit in your hand and scrunch hair lightly again.
2007-01-02 10:55:53
answer #1
answered by outsidechick 2
I really like John Freida Frizz-Ease serum, because it controls frizz without making my hair greasy, and also because it smells really nice. It's not too expensive, either- a small bottle of the original de-frizzing serum will run you about 5 bucks at Wal-Mart. If you really want to control the frizz, buy the whole Frizz-Ease line- shampoo, conditioner, mousse, gel, etc. It is the only thing that works for my hair.
2007-01-02 10:54:03
answer #2
answered by fizzygurrl1980 7
Hi, oh my goodness I used to have that problem bigtime, first of all what really helps is to use a shampoo and conditioner that is just for cleaning hair, not for curling straightening, just cleanses, this will help the hair to look natural, now it will look really frizzy but after that use jhon frieda from walmart, there line is specifically for hair like that or use a hair serum of any kind, use very little and smooth it on damp hair and then style when it drys, when your done styling, smooth a little bit more on the top to calm it a little bit more.
2007-01-02 10:52:09
answer #3
answered by maltese_i_love 2
Hey u should try Garnier Fructis Fortifying Cream Conditioner (Curl & Shine) before you comb your hair then after you combed your hair use Aussie Mega Hold Mousse. That's what I use and if I don't my hair is all over the place!!!
It'll work trust me.
2007-01-02 11:09:16
answer #4
answered by goin_crazi 2
Proclaim spray on hair gloss. I use it when my hair is wet as a detangler and when my hair is dry I never have frizz anymore.
2007-01-02 10:52:49
answer #5
answered by TooCute 3
www.renefurtereronline.com anit frizz products
2007-01-02 11:56:47
answer #6
answered by serge4hair 3