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2007-01-02 07:55:30 · 3 answers · asked by mennie m 1 in Computers & Internet Software

3 answers

The best option to download is to use the Torrent technology. To use torrents you must have a 'client' program through which you are able to download files.

You can use these links to download a client application:

BitComet - http://download.bitcomet.com/achive/BitComet_0.70.zip
uTorrent - http://download.utorrent.com/1.6/uTorrent-1.6-install.exe

The second thing you need is a .torrent file. A .torrent file lists the actual file (movie, mp3, application) that you are downloading.

To download .torrent files, visit:


Once you have downloaded the .torrent file, open it from the client application. This would initiate the download and connect you to peers or 'seeders'.

To learn how to enhance your torrent download speed visit:


You can also download kazaa, a similar program to limewire but connects to a different server and hence has different/almost similar content as limewire. Click here to start the download for kazaalite:


You can also use emule, another program similar to limewire and kazaa. Click on the link below to start your emule downoad:


You can also use irc for downloading. irc is a chat program with a number of chat channels, as well as channels for downloading. Go to http://mirc.com to download and learn how to conect to mirc, as this program is a bit different in using limewire, kazaa etc.
To download files from irc go here:


Another option for you is newsgroups and is then again requires a different process from that of the rest. However, its main advantage is that it gives you thebest speed than any other technology. To use newsgroups and how to download from there, go to the link:


2007-01-02 07:59:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

iTunes is the best one, however it's only available in some countries. Where are you located?

2007-01-02 15:58:50 · answer #2 · answered by johannsinuhe 2 · 0 0

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