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what do you get for the extra fare?

2007-01-02 07:45:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Air Travel

3 answers

It depends. If you are referring to The United Airlines Economey plus Domestic flights, you dont really get any befefits. The seats are just basically in the front of the CAbin so you can get off a little quicker. And you get a few inches more legroom , but nothing that will probably even notice .But as far as service, meals, seats, ect ect there is no difference.

Now if you are reffering to British Airways or Virgian Atlantic premium economey section then there is a difference.Never flown Viring, but I assume it is the same as Ba. On BA It has its own private cabin, the seats are a little bigger and recline more. The inseat TV is larger, the meals are a little more extensive and better quality. And the service is slightly more attentive. It doesnt even approach the level of Business or First class but it is better then coach.

You should strongly consider the rate you get before deciding if you want to do it.

2007-01-03 02:22:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Example - United Airlines:
Up to 5inches more legroom compared to normal economy. Can make a hell of a difference on a long transcontinental flight!

Example - British Airways:
What they call World Traveller Plus is in a seperate cabin, wider seats, more legroom, priority meal service and complimentary drinks from the bar. Truly worth the extra bucks!

2007-01-02 16:34:34 · answer #2 · answered by kiara_niniel 2 · 1 0


2007-01-02 16:03:22 · answer #3 · answered by msflightatt 4 · 0 0

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