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2 answers

Some mac programmes are for 10.4 or higher so won't download. I use versiontracker to look for mac downloads. Some are freeware, some are trials and some are commercial. I run 10.3.9. I use Firefox/Mozzilla as a search engine...it's fast. When downloading you need to check wether or not they have a mac version...and make sure it's for 10.3.9 or lower. I wouldn't dream of puting XP on it. It is a different operating system and if you are used to PC it will take a bit of getting used to.
I can still use MSN...yahoo and most of the other things I have on the PC.
Go to Apple.com from your toolbar when you switch on for help and advice.

2007-01-02 07:55:41 · answer #1 · answered by minitheminx65 5 · 0 0

go to http://download.com
on the left side of the page about half way down click on "Mac Software"
there you'll find tons of software made for your Mac

change the "all licenses" to "free" and you'll find free software for your machine

2007-01-02 07:49:32 · answer #2 · answered by Çlïgér4™ ♂ 6 · 0 0

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