first thing to do is start thinking positively, you have a good memory. next you have to believe in yourself, also make sure that when you read you are actually understanding what you're reading.nobody ever said the road to success was a smooth one, with a lot of reading (and understanding) and good self esteem i believe you're on your way to being the next einstein.
2007-01-02 02:52:16
answer #1
answered by black-gold-honey 1
Try doing crossword puzzles. Start out with the "easy" books with the answers in the back and work your way up to the more difficult ones. It is a great way to exercise the mind. Don't sell yourself short though. There are a lot of brilliant and intelligent people in the world who cannot remember a lot of things but it does not mean you are not intelligent. Also reading a mixed variety of books is also a good way to exercise your mind. Fiction books on topics you enjoy reading (romance, mystery, science fiction, western) in combination with Non-Fiction books on topics that interest you are a good way to keep your mind sharp. By the way, give yourself a pat on the back for ways to improve your mind. That in itself shows you are intelligent.
2007-01-02 02:31:51
answer #2
answered by icunurse85 7
Well, to which kind of intelligence are you referring?
You can be intelligent in terms of being "book smart", in which case memory goes a long way.
You can also be intelligent in terms of being "street smart", just knowing how to deal with people, how to network, and generally how to manipulate the world.
Then there's also being intelligent in terms of "common sense". Some people just have an innate ability to do the thing that everyone knows is right. They aren't remembering it, they are just doing it.
You can teach yourself how to be any of these, you just have to be committed to changing your perceptions.
Good luck!
2007-01-02 02:28:13
answer #3
answered by T S 3
I don't have a great memory either, but I just took a 12 hour long proffesional IQ test and found that my IQ is pretty up there.. doubt yours self,
2007-01-02 02:28:14
answer #4
answered by kat 2