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i have been wanting to quit smoking and have tried alot of things, just wanted to know if hypnosis has worked for anyone who wanted to quit.

2007-01-02 01:49:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anita1002 1 in Health Other - Health

14 answers

It didnt work for me, but it did work for others I know. Good luck, Ive been trying to quit for a long time and still cant.

2007-01-02 01:51:29 · answer #1 · answered by D.C 4 · 0 0

I've tried individual hypnosis and a group session. The inividual session did work for about 8 months, but I should have had a follow-up session and gave into temptation. (all my friends smoked at the time, so it was really hard at times). The group session didn't do anything for me and I thought it was a rip-off.

I did try the old Schick stop-smoking program - the one where they shock you and other nasty stuff. It worked - for 2 years I never picked up a cigarette.

I think my problem is I really like to smoke, and you have to have your mind set to never smoke again. Even when I quit for the 2 years, I still wanted a cigarette whenever I smelled somebody else smoking one. Just kept telling myself there was no way I wanted to go through the shock sessions again. ;-) Worked for a while, anyway.

Good luck to you with quitting!

2007-01-04 10:43:25 · answer #2 · answered by Granny Fran 5 · 0 0

Natural Quit Smoking Magic

2016-05-17 09:26:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I personally have not tried hypnosis,but what I did do was went from full flavor to lights then after about a month or two I went to ultra lights and slowly reduced the nictione in my system slowly and then I just quit ,I alwasys keep at least one cig,to let me know that if I really want it it is there but the first couple months once our twice I would have to take a couple puffs just for the taste and then id wash my mouth out with mouth wash and eventually I just lost the tast for them and know I can say even in the stressful times I havent smoked and I started when I was about 14 to impress my friends and thats were my habit startedknow im 43 and cant belive how others smell and smoking areas I just wish id have done this sooner,espically for my kids to not have to grow up in the smoking house...my this can help...It worked for me...

2007-01-04 04:36:59 · answer #4 · answered by good advise 2 · 0 0

You can self-hypnotize for free. That's what I did. I didn't actually realize it until after I had quit but that is, in effect, what I did. I became a non-smoker. It started off by thinking negatively about smoking. Then as time wore on I found I was smoking much much more and it was literally making me sick. Then I became ashamed to have people see me smoke. So while feeling ill from smoking and not wanting people to see me smoke I was becoming a non-smoker. Then I got the flu and wasn't able to smoke. So it was really easy at that point to just not smoke anymore. Although I never said to myself that I was going to quit! That would have made it difficult. As it was it was very easy to stop. Now, this took a little time. All in all about a year.

2007-01-03 09:06:03 · answer #5 · answered by Keenu 4 · 0 0

hypnosis worked very well for my father and for a friend of mine. My father hasn't smoked in probably close to 20 years and my friend is on his fifth smoke free year.
I just quit as well, but have not been hypnotized. I am going to try once more before I do the hypnosis thing.

2007-01-05 12:50:59 · answer #6 · answered by teach32 1 · 0 0

You have to WANT to quit. Hypnosis will work if you really want to quit. My mother was recently diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) which was linked directly to smoking. Seeing her in the hospital with IV's, oxygen, and a heart monitor scared the hell out of me. I swore I wouldn't put my loved ones through having to deal with that. So, here's my analogy: Cigarettes were like my BEST FRIEND. I couldn't stand the thought of being without them through good times or bad. However, my BEST FRIEND almost killed my mother. So, it was time to end the friendship. I've been smoke free for 3 weeks now and it's amazing at how good I feel so soon! I can breathe deeply now. Food tastes great. I have more endurance. AND I don't stink like an ashtray and neither does my home.

Do I miss cigarettes? Yes I do. Very much. BUT I'd never go back to them.

2007-01-02 02:07:34 · answer #7 · answered by Renee C 4 · 0 0

Hey Anita 1002

I went through hypnosis and quit for about a week, and have quit several other times in my life, ie, pregnancy and just wanting to make a break from them. It took my brother dieing this past year to break me from a 30 year addiction. I have been clean for 4 months now. I find that what really will make you quit is sincerely committing to it and being stronger than the nicotine. It is, (and I can't emphasize this enough!) a very controlling drug! Best of luck to you in your endeavor. I hope you can beat them!

2007-01-05 08:22:30 · answer #8 · answered by Ledreg 2 · 0 0

Hi, I know how you feel. I had smoked for 40 years. I tried the gum,patches,the hand held inhalers,acupuncture,cold turkey,hypnosis and Welbutron. Nothing worked. My doctor introduced me to a medication called Chantix, it is without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me. Not only am do I not smoke, I don't even think about it and as an added bonus it stops the craving for food. I've quit smoking and I've already lost ten pounds. Talk to your family doctor and see if he or she thinks Chantix is right for you. I send all my hopes and wishes for sucess to you, Josephine

2007-01-05 01:21:07 · answer #9 · answered by Josephine 2 · 0 0

hello, miss Anita 1002!about the hypnosis treatment,well,it will help u as long as ur under the spell of the treatment but once the hypnosis expires-here we r again- u know the best treatment actually about smoking is a bit of self discipline- u don't have to force the "issue, i mean yourself to suddenly stop it-it will nevah solve the problem-but this is what i did to control it n u may try it-i used to consume' a couple of pack of cigarette+about 10sticks that suddenly some friends would share or give to me-n mind u i smoke all kinds of smoke, yeah all of them! so, one day i decided to quit-i was able to do it but not for long after a couple of weeks i smoke again but i'm very much determined to quit-n what i did was controlled my smoking gradually-from 2packs to 1pack after 3wks then 1/2pack after 3wks n so on until the desire to smoke was gone-once u stop u'll notice that ur avoiding the smell of the cigarette on ur hands-n one more thing as much as possible avoid those guys who could influence u again

2007-01-05 06:10:55 · answer #10 · answered by STOIKA 2 · 0 0

Hypnosis definately works! I went to an individual session, cost was approximately $90.00. I'm not sure the group hypnosis is as effective.

2007-01-04 03:22:25 · answer #11 · answered by Diane M 1 · 0 0

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