lol..i think farts,cos they stink !
2007-01-02 00:46:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1) How loud is the hiccups, burps or farts?
2) Where are you?
(In the street, farts might not be so noticeable, unlike hiccups and burps)
But, in my opinion, burps and farts are more embarrassing.
2007-01-02 00:58:46
answer #2
answered by Mr Asker Knowmore 2
I would say burps cos they are more visual.
Most public places are loud and therefore if a fart is noisy you wont hear it and no1 will know where the smell came from if u just keep walking.
Hiccups are nothing to be embarrassed by.
2007-01-02 02:15:36
answer #3
answered by lilli 2
As a sufferer of hiccups I no longer find it embarrassing because so many people find it "cute" that a grown woman can go on for so long... A burp is a sign of good food mostly so although not everyone is comfy doing so it is part of life and as for farts well...... women tend to hide them much better than men!!
2007-01-02 00:49:09
answer #4
answered by The Weird One! 4
Farts ... you can always make a joke about burps and hiccups, but farts offend everyone, especially the SBD's. There's no disguise for the sound of a fart in public!
2007-01-02 00:53:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hiccups can be if your sober and it's early in the day! Burps there not so bad few and far between! Farts gotta be the embarrassing one especially if their heard!!
2007-01-02 00:51:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
None of the above really, if like me you're thick skinned - or could that just be thick? - anyway i find public flatulant displays rather amusing. I like to let one go in places like Tesco's when its busy, you get the 'did he just fart' look from people, its hilarious. LIfts are the killer though, a silent but deadly in a packed lift is manna from heaven :) last time i did it i waited a few seconds then loudly said - jesus has someone just shat themselves, the other peoples embarrasment was beyond funny.
I dont care what anyone says FARTS ARE FUNNY!
2007-01-02 00:57:36
answer #7
answered by thecoldvoiceofreason 6
Hiccups are not generally embarassing because you cannot control them. They can be embarassing if you happen to get a bad case in church during a prayer. Burps and farts can usually be controlled but if they cannot. . . . . .it is so wonderful to be a parent because then you can blame them on your kids.
2007-01-02 01:04:26
answer #8
answered by icunurse85 7
Depends if you're a bloke or not! Blokes think farting hilarious and try to do them as loud and often as possible! Most women on the other hand prefer to do that sort of thing in the privacy of their own home. Ladies of course never fart!!!!
2007-01-02 02:20:23
answer #9
answered by garfish 4
i'd have to agree with the last poster. i quite openly belch in most situations, so i'd say this was by far the least embarrassing bodily function - if you read some of my other posts, you might understand why hiccuping in public is especially uncomfortable for me ;-). if i got hiccups in public, i'd feel like someone'd just... done something pretty violating to me, i'll say. i don't want another violation notice.
2007-01-04 11:37:20
answer #10
answered by namelessone 1
Farts, but they can be the most fun. I like to save them until I reach my floor on the elevator and then leave a strong "air biscuit" behind in the empty elevator. When it reaches the next floor, I can hear when someone (or more) enters and walks into it. Great fun to hear them react and imagine the look on their face as they back out.
2007-01-02 00:51:08
answer #11
answered by iknowtruthismine 7