Any way to chew crushed ice or sip gingerale. I find these can settle a stomach ache. Sometimes slowly nibbling on crackers can ease it if its hungry.
2007-01-02 00:37:09
answer #1
answered by Girlee 2
if you're hungry, eat. food from a vending machine won't kill you- that's what its there for.
but if you're already hungry and you just started work this morning- try eating some breakfast before you leave for work.
or, think ahead and bring some lunch and snacks if you can't eat vending machine food.
if you're just having stomach trouble but not hunger pangs, yeah drink some juice or soda and crackers.
2007-01-02 08:42:18
answer #2
answered by Lane 4
go to the vending machine, and see if there is some kind of wafer or saltine cracker, this will work as an absorber to whatever is not agreeing with your tummy.
2007-01-02 08:43:59
answer #3
answered by charlie 2
are there any nuts or crackers in the vending machine? If those are a choice, I would pick them. Especially crackers will settle your stomach. If you are nauseated, get a seven up or carbonated noncaffienated drink.
2007-01-02 08:38:01
answer #4
answered by bestfriendthemom 4
You may try sipping on some 7up or Coke Cola, or eat crackers...
There is a lot of stomach bugs going around now though, if gets worse you may want to check out and go to the doctor and get some medicine for it especially if diarrhea or vomiting begin.
2007-01-02 08:37:34
answer #5
answered by Gypsygrl 5
Walk down the street and find something healthy! Seriously, junk food isn't great when you're feeling fine, so if you're a bit queasy it's not worth it!
2007-01-02 08:36:31
answer #6
answered by Mrs C 3
Plain crackers and if there is a soda machine...7-up or sprite...that should calm the stomach...
2007-01-02 08:44:45
answer #7
answered by kveldulf_gondlir 6
omg! i know the perfect thing! pepermint altoids the are so stong they litterally kill the stomach cramp, and the have to be peppermint
2007-01-02 08:36:56
answer #8
answered by The bored and hyper one 3
prezels or tums... that should help. Good luck
2007-01-02 08:37:19
answer #9
answered by Ang 2
water water water....drink lots of water...and then see to it that you flush it out by peeing!
2007-01-02 08:35:54
answer #10
answered by Spirit of ~^Spirituality^~ 3