I think the real question should be "If Adam & Eve were supposed to be perfect then why were they human?"
2007-01-01 23:51:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, it would have been a true paradise if the one fruit of knowledge had not been tried. It's true that God placed it there for we humans were created in His likeness. That alone makes us investigate, wonder, and learn. He knew this would happen. God is pure love. His creation had a choice to make and they did what He knew they would. We are sinners because we are made in His likeness we are not His clones. We have an opportunity to understand a simple way of life He has offered us. Faith. We can either believe we came from a pool of slime in the primeval ocean or that we were created by Him. This nonsense about the earth being only 6000 years old is just that. There are 3 earth ages. God is eternal. Time does not exist in eternity. We only know about things that have a beginning and an end. We really cannot understand eternity. How long is a day in God's realm? Probably a few million years, we don't know. The 6 days it took God to create the earth was likely millions of our years. So what's the big deal? Those who believe in creation will use anything to discredit the Bible and that one is so very week yet so many believe it simply because they rely on what others write and have never read the Bible except a few words here and there. God is real and so is His Son Jesus. God's Holy Spirit is real and lives within us if we ask Him. Prayer is our way of talking to God Almighty. He listens and that makes prayer a very powerful thing. This I know from experience. Read the Bible and make up your own mind and leave this creationist to his or her own doom. There is a reason for everything. God wants us to decide for ourselves and He wants to offer no physical proof of His existence for a reason. If He were to revel Himself, what would there to be decided by we humans? He wants those who have the faith to believe and those who are open enough to investigate for themselves and not listen to others who have little or no ability to understand. This is Satan's doings and no one else. This is what Satan does. It's his object in life and in his eternity of life. Even he is there for a purpose and he knows it. As he said to Jesus, "I know you." He knew He was God in the flesh and he had no power over Him, yet he offered things as a temptation that he did not even own and Jesus knew this and rejected him. You can too. Satan has no power over Christians. God Bless You.
2007-01-02 08:17:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Let me pose this scenario; Maybe it was perfect and they were perfect, but what kind of God would not allow us to have a choice to choose between good and bad, right and wrong? If they(Adam and Eve) had not been able to make a choice, would we have choices today?, if there was no snake in the Garden, would they have been asked to make a choice, FREEWILL, this is one of the pleasures of being Human and I think that God understood that this is what would separate us from other beings/animals. You know that thing about having a soul, which in turn gives us a conscious.
2007-01-02 07:58:54
answer #3
answered by ? 2
whene adam and eve fell and sinned god cant be in the presence of sin and look how humans turned out god saw that and said if i leave them here and eat the tree of life and live forever then ill be in a pickle so he had to send them to toil the earth. the paradise wasnt evil there had to be a choice so that there could be love because the oppisite of love is hate wich encompasses rebbelion wich is exactly what happened when adam ate the fruit you have to remember eve wasnt givin the command not to eat the fruit of the tree not until adam ate were thier eyes opened
2007-01-02 07:58:47
answer #4
answered by bballboyrocks 2
Adam and Eve does not lived in paradise, they are in the garden of eden (not paradise, but on earth) created by God for them to rule and govern. Though sinless and blameless, they were not righteous, God gave them an absolute will of choice, to obey Him or to disobey Him as he commanded of them.
However, the serpent is more cunning than them, the woman was deceived by the serpent and Adam condon the action of the only woman in his life. Thus, the fall of man begin and was separated from God. They were really made for each other.
2007-01-02 07:59:16
answer #5
answered by NIGHT_WATCH 4
That so call snake many thinks was a snake was not a snake at all, Not until the curse, He was an upright creature that was to be Adam worker, Only when God pronounces the curse on the serpent, that is when he went into the repitle family, & that serpent was Not the devil, but yes he was influnced by the devil. And yes before the fall, God's majestic glory dwell in the Garden as it will one day again after the millennium.
2007-01-02 07:56:11
answer #6
answered by birdsflies 7
ALL I read in the answers to this is snake, snake, snake. IT WAS NOT a snake!!!! It was Satan. The Serpent is another NAME for him. READ Revelation and it will give you SOME of his names, and SERPENT IS ONE of them. PLEASE people read the Word of God BEFORE you speak. I only WANT to educate anyone WHO is not familiar with it. If anyone is answering what they have been taught by someone, please check out what they have said by the Word of God, including ME. Do not take my word for it, read it for yourself in the WORD. The Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL was Satan. It breaks my heart to see some of the answers in here. I know everyone who believes in God are trying their best, but there is so much need of eye opening. IF anyone will believe what a man has told them now, what is it going to be like when Anti Christ is here at the end times. He takes Scripture and turns it around NOW, so what is it going to be like when he is here imitating Christ, and performing false wonders in person? A lot of people are going to be fooled for sure then believe me, IF they do not know the Word of God and have it in their heart and mind. There is coming a day when we will NOT have the Bible to fall back on, and we had better learn it now while we can. Even in todays society in some parts of the world the Bible IS banned now, and IT WILL BE all over the world before it is done. There IS too much Spiritual Ignorance in the Pulpit today, and it is so sad.Thanks.
2007-01-02 08:18:22
answer #7
answered by Ex Head 6
Adam is a key figure in Scripture. He is described as the "first Adam," the one who brought sin into the world. He made it necessary for Jesus, the "last Adam," to atone for all humans, and then rise from the grave with the promise of complete redemption for fallen man and fallen creation. If Adam was just a myth, we would not be able to fully understand the work of Jesus. If Adam and Eve were not real, then we ought to doubt whether their children were real too, and their children...and then we ought to doubt the first 11 chapters of Genesis, and so on. All the genealogies accept Adam as being a literal person, so their children Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:9,10; Luke 11:50,51) must be real too. Jesus was descended from Adam, and it is impossible to be descended from a myth.
2007-01-02 07:54:11
answer #8
answered by I_Need_Help 3
Because God gave mankind FREE WILL. We couldn't have unconditional love in a relationship with Him if it were automatic that we would love Him as he loved us, for everything would turn out very "robotic" in terms of our love/relationship with God. Adam and Eve did something "imperfect" due to the range of their free will being tempted by evil. Adam and Eve were given DOMINION or complete AUTHORITY over ALL the Garden INCLUDING the SERPENT, but they chose to submit themselves to his wiles and the purported wisdom that their "eyes would be opened" and they would "be as gods" instead of choosing obedience. The serpent didn't LIE to them; he merely embellished the truth.
2007-01-02 16:48:33
answer #9
answered by bigvol662004 6
If you believe this myth, the idea is as follows:
God created man with free will and the ability to choose good from evil. He forbade man from eating the fruit of a particular tree. God created the serpent to tempt man. You can understand that as just meaning that god made man subject to temptation. The point is that man had a choice and chose to disobey.
2007-01-02 07:53:56
answer #10
answered by SteveT 7
Jesus ascended Acts 1:9-11; John 3:13-17; All about Jesus:
Acts 2:27-35 [ until foes on footstool ];
Matt.22:42-44 [ Satan and unholy angels as enemies from Gen.3:15 ];
Heb.1:1-13 [ Separation of Michael and holy angels from Satan and unholy angels ];
Job 38:4-7 [ Angels saw earth prepared, called morning stars and sons of God ];
SATAN: Job 2:1,2 [ Satan was with sons of God ]; Rev.5:11 Angels are vast in numbers and do not die Luke 20:34-36 ]; Isa.14:12-14; Isa.28:13-15; The cherub angel anointed over Eden called serpent Gen.3:1-5 Decieved Eve Rev.12:9 all his names. Called Lucifer means day star and compares world leaders to him. John 8:44 Caused death of every offspring of Adam and Adam. 2Cor.4:3,4 Is god of this world that ends.
Apostles expect Satan to be under their feet.
Rev.12:1-12 [ Michael of Jude 9; and Dan.12:1-13 with holy angels cast down Satan ];
Empire #1 to Greece Empire #3 fallen, Jesus was, but John is in Rome #6, #7 the Word of God at age to be excepted translation, Satan and unholy angels cast down ends #7.
Satan has short time from Rev.12:1-12 to Rev.20:1-6,12,13; No Satan 1000 years.
Matt.24:3,7,14,15,22,34,36-38 [ Only God knows day and hour no Satan, but Christ ];
Eph.2:7; 3:21 [ THE WORLD WITH JESUS IS WITHOUT END ]; John 3:16;
2007-01-02 08:16:21
answer #11
answered by jeni 7