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(I repost as i need more opinion and better answers)
This girl that i like so much. However i decide i get over her and move on and just treat her as a friend. Although we had some memorable time chatting and flirt with each other. I guess she stop being interested. Nowaday she go clubbing and drank a lot. I feel she got problem but don't want to share with me now.
I made up my mind to gave her up. I just don't why i like her so much( She can't look after herself, cannot wake up on time to work, cannot cook and do household chores and often get sick).
I try to move on by sleeping most of my time. Just now while taking a nap, i dream of her. From the dream i know i m in love and worried a lot of her. Nvr had such a feeling.

Worst of all, Everyday i must call to wake her up to work if not she may get fired. ( I cannot don't call cos i promise her moveover she ask alway ask me to help her). How can i really get over her and move on while treating her as friend only

2007-01-01 23:16:14 · 6 answers · asked by Eddy W 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

She break up with her bf 6mth back when he cheat on her. After that she get over him. I fear the alcohol bring back some back memories cos after she goes clubbing a lot she become very cold towards me.

2007-01-01 23:18:13 · update #1

6 answers

dust your self off and move on

2007-01-01 23:20:56 · answer #1 · answered by dee_ann 6 · 0 0

You can't get over her till you move on, Get a life, you don't have one now. Don't call her any more , your baby sitting her and she is in joying it, Makes you a fool for being used. You may not be friends so go out and find some new friends that appreciate you.

2007-01-02 07:25:40 · answer #2 · answered by larry B 4 · 0 0

Well, she needs to learn to take responsibility for herself. I think you need to stop waking her up for work so she gets there on time that is her responsinbility not yours, and if she gets fired it will be a mistake she will learn from.

I think there will always be some feeling of attraction that you have for her, I don't know if it is love but maybe just lust for her because she is so attractive.

2007-01-02 07:21:58 · answer #3 · answered by drunken_monkey1988 4 · 0 0

make her understand that she is on her own you can't do things for her that she has to do for her self. talk to her. and try to explain that you can no longer wake her up in the morning, that she has to be more responsible. and if you like her help her! don't let her drink anymore. and when she will be more responsible you can be with her. sometimes we like somebody and we don't know why! maybe you like her looks. just talk to her!

2007-01-02 07:30:25 · answer #4 · answered by luchi 2 · 0 0

You sound like a young Rat that has no Wings or Or Pink Feet!!

2007-01-02 07:20:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Careful that she isn`t using you.

2007-01-02 07:20:21 · answer #6 · answered by grtoo9 3 · 0 0

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