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This guy i am really close too, he is so sweet and gentle to me I think what we have is really special. He is always hugging me really intimately and complimenting me. He remembers everything i have ever said. He treats me as if he cares about me, he will sometimes randomly kiss me on the shoulder or cheek and we act like we really care for one another. We are both attracted to each other, and i know that i have feelings for him but im not sure if its just a physical attraction for him. We have small fights alot and we have personalitys that clash. Also when he is in a bad mood he is different towards me. He asks me questions about what i am like in a relationship. We both laugh about how dysfunctional we are in relationships.The one thing we dont talk about is how we feel about each other. I have know idea if he as any real feelings for me at all. We seem to really care about each other but does it mean more to me that to him? Am i just being hopeful?

2007-01-01 22:41:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

You've given away how he feels by your description - he would LOVE to get involved with you. Touching is the key, and he seems to take any opportunity he can to be in physical contact with you.
I don't think you're being hopefuly at all, and if you feel that you want to talk to him, go ahead. Otherwise, next time he puts his arm around you, goes to kiss you on the cheek, gently run your fingers through his hair (a much more sexual touch) and see how he responds. With you being in such close proximity, don't be surprised if you start kissing (properly!)
That's my two cents!

2007-01-01 22:47:46 · answer #1 · answered by prusec_int 2 · 0 0

Well sweetie, u are kind of contradicting yourself..u say he cares for me and then you can't be sure how he feels... the way you describe it, he seems to REALLY care for you. Why would he rememeber everything you say, why would he kiss you on your SHOULDER and hug you? These all are signs of affection and care. The reason you guys don't talk about it is because what you have is good and if you talk about how you feel, it may spoil it. However, if you are serious about your feelings towards him, I suggest you take the risk. Why don't you start by playfully asking him how he feels if you guys start dating? I think that would give you a hint..he will either say that'd be awesome or he would burst out laughing..and since you ask it in a casual playful way, if he laughs, you can laugh with him and still save your face and won't be embarassed...I think he'll reply in a good way..unless he is a big time tease and what he does with you is normal for him with all people...good luck...

2007-01-01 22:52:36 · answer #2 · answered by nirvana 2 · 0 0

i don't think ur just being hopefull even if u were there is nothing wrong with dat and yes i really think he has feeling r real 2words u , i can say that at least he dose like U , u can talk 2him and move 2next level if u2 were like this 4long time or wait and see wat the time have 4u guys if u r new with eatch other , good luck .

2007-01-01 23:08:52 · answer #3 · answered by mohame 2 · 0 0

it sounds lik he care alot about u and the only way to find out the truth is to ask however hard that seem that is what u have to do

2007-01-01 23:00:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being optimistic-looking forward in a positive manner.

2016-03-29 04:18:11 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It could mean something. Time will tell. Enjoy the ride. If this has been going on for awhile, then ask him.

2007-01-01 22:45:42 · answer #6 · answered by krzylove 3 · 0 0

I think he care alot for you - ask him how he feels

2007-01-01 22:43:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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