This guy i am really close too, he is so sweet and gentle to me I think what we have is really special. He is always hugging me really intimately and complimenting me. He remembers everything i have ever said. He treats me as if he cares about me, he will sometimes randomly kiss me on the shoulder or cheek and we act like we really care for one another. We are both attracted to each other, and i know that i have feelings for him but im not sure if its just a physical attraction for him. We have small fights alot and we have personalitys that clash. Also when he is in a bad mood he is different towards me. He asks me questions about what i am like in a relationship. We both laugh about how dysfunctional we are in relationships.The one thing we dont talk about is how we feel about each other. I have know idea if he as any real feelings for me at all. We seem to really care about each other but does it mean more to me that to him? Am i just being hopeful?
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