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i am 17 now and i dated a guy from tha tyme i wuz 12 till 15 so three yearz of mui life went to him and then we just kinda fell out!!so for tha past two yearz ive went crazy trying my hardest to find love like tht and never could so after not speaking at all for a year i finally got over him and didnt long or miss him any more!!but about a month ago he showed up at mui door at 4 in tha morning wit no where to go could he plez stay here until he could go home i said ok but i also let him kno tht i wuz over him!well he stayz tha whole weekend and nothing happens and im still over him at this point!then tht week he starts talking bout caring for me and really thinkin we r meant to b! but out of tha blu he turns into a complete *** and i already knew it wuz cuz he missed his ex!!and tht finnally comes out!tht he misses her and she loves him more than me when i stayed by him while he ****** my best friend and still luved him but it never was good enough sum 1 plz help wht should i do???

2007-01-01 21:30:56 · 10 answers · asked by chas 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

10 answers

Forget this boy. Be patient you will get more boys, but you must learn that boys are insensitive and cheats. They are good to you till the time they get a chance to cheat. You are more experienced now but still you must learn the game of love well. If not to win a good boy, atleast you must not break your heart or hurt yourself.
The queen of love and the goddess of love, they only give love, they touch, they break hearts. They never allow their hearts to be broken. Be like them. Learn from them. Learn the game of love and enjoy life.

2007-01-01 21:40:59 · answer #1 · answered by wizard of the East 7 · 0 0

As heart-breacking as this advise will be, it is perhaps your best course of action. Toss him to the curb. He cheated on you before, he HAS a girl-friend already(despite their current separation) and turned into a royal A$$ in front of you. This is NOT a person worth being asossiated with.

2007-01-02 05:37:04 · answer #2 · answered by mangamaniaciam 5 · 0 0

Kick him out. He's using you. He is messing with your mind and likes the control that he has over you. Tell him not to come back -- you don't want to hear from him again. Learn from the past and move on!

2007-01-02 05:35:13 · answer #3 · answered by wnk 5 · 0 0

get him out of your life. it's not love... you said it yourself you were over him. you are just going back because it is something you are use to. you are use to him not in love.. he did you wrong and you deserve something better.

be honest with him and tell him you don't want him and that he should really try fixing the situation with his ex because she does still want him.

2007-01-02 05:39:30 · answer #4 · answered by lauritalucky@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

Admit that you still have feelings for him, but tell him that you can't go back because you don't trust him anymore(his behavior) and need to finish your education(your spelling and run-on sentences!). Then, politely tell him he has 4 hours to find somewhere else to rest his empty head, and forget he ever existed...

2007-01-02 05:39:20 · answer #5 · answered by wetdreamdiver 5 · 0 1

and this is why children should not be allowed to date

if my daughter comes up to me at 12 years old introducing some guy as her boyfriend, i kick the snot out of him, no matter how old he is

2007-01-02 05:37:45 · answer #6 · answered by zether 6 · 1 1

hes [playing you he got nothing and you got something kick the bum out

2007-01-02 05:37:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

kick that homeless bum out and give me ur number

2007-01-02 05:33:24 · answer #8 · answered by scumbag 1 · 0 0

kick him out dont let him use u

2007-01-02 05:40:19 · answer #9 · answered by greg 1 · 0 0

just forget him and you have a long to go,,,

youll get somneone better

2007-01-02 05:35:29 · answer #10 · answered by umair a 2 · 0 0

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