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This is a serious question people, so don't delete it. I'm not trying to be kinky or anything, its just a question.

So, can you tell if boobs are real or not, just by looking at them? Or do you think you need another method to know if theyre genuine or not???

Seriously now...do you think mine look real or fake???

2007-01-01 19:31:18 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

33 answers

Yours Look Real.
and VERY Nice.

2007-01-01 19:32:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Irregularity in size from one to the other
Sometimes saggy

Keeps its shape when lying down
Sometimes see scars around nipples or under breast
Can actually see the skin being pulled
All of a sudden the breast sticks out from the chest instead of a smooth transition from the skin of the chest

If the person has had breast implants under the muscle and placed in through the belly button, it is very hard to tell if they are fake by looking at them.
Can't really tell from the pic but if I absolutely had to guess I would say they are real.

2007-01-02 02:14:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a mature lady, naturally large boobs look a bit saggy. When they're very rounded, sticking high above the chest & very firm to touch, they're most likely fake. Fake ones also come with scars.

It's difficult for me to tell, just looking at this pic, if yours are real or not, since i do not know your body size, age, etc... but i'd guess they're FAKE.

2007-01-01 19:44:09 · answer #3 · answered by ebony 3 · 0 0

You can tell the difference by look and feel.

Note: All of the people who keep telling her to stop showing her boobs, asking questions about boobs, etc... QUIT ANSWERING. If it bothers you so darn much why do you keep answering and making comments? Think now...(not too hard) the more snide comments are made the more questions will be asked. (I don't mind the questions because I am entertained by the answers of the people who don't like the questions). Keep your opinion of the person to yourself and just answer what is asked. If she didn't have that pic. would you take her more serious? I think so - she could ask all her previous questions over without the pic. posted and there would be no problem. So, it's not about what she is asking it's all about how she looks or more precisely how her nice, firm, all naturals look.

By the way, AWESOME RACK darlin.

2007-01-01 23:35:37 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 2

OK there real. I went and looked at your 360. A police cadet? I'm not sure i believe that. You are getting on a world wide forum and showing your boobs. That is more like a stripper cadet. By the way' I have had more than my fair share of boobs in my hands and face. I can tell by how they lay.

2007-01-01 19:56:06 · answer #5 · answered by Sarcastic Sid 4 · 1 0

Difficult to tell with clothing in most situations, however, naked fake boobs are usually obvious. And I agree with the previous answer that fake boobs defy gravity when lying down.

And by the way, judging from your previous questions, you are obsessed with your boobs, or more likely obsessed with the need for attention.

2007-01-01 19:35:17 · answer #6 · answered by michalakd 5 · 0 0

You'd have to unleash them for me to tell, but usually fake boobs sit differently than the real deal. Real jugs tend to sag at different angles; fake or augmented breasts are usually more symmetrical and the nipples parallel, due to the fact that doctors try and make nature conform to their personal idea of 'perfection'.

2007-01-01 19:34:45 · answer #7 · answered by wetdreamdiver 5 · 0 0

I am not completely sure. Lots of people are surprised at how big ones are often fake.

Anyways, yours, I am not sure about, but I'll take a guess that they're real (assuming that you were born with larger breasts).

PS: I have trouble telling the difference, breasts come in all shapes and sizes and the perfect ones are often fake.

2007-01-02 13:36:18 · answer #8 · answered by ///DW-Drummer/// 3 · 0 0

some boobs u can tell if its real or not. others are done really well so you don't even know. unless u feel them or the person tells u they aren't.

that's not a very good angle. so kinda hard to tell if they're real or fake. look nice though.

2007-01-01 19:33:34 · answer #9 · answered by 2dogs 3 · 0 0

I'd say if a person is really skinny and has really big boobs then it's fake. Also, fake boobs look really round and firm and too perky and fake? Think gravity my dear.

2007-01-01 19:39:12 · answer #10 · answered by Just me 2 · 0 0

I can't see yours, and I totally don't feel like looking. Usually you can tell by the proportion of the boob. If theres alot of boob near the top, or its even, then its probably fake. When somebody with fake boobs raises their arms up, it looks weird.

2007-01-01 19:34:02 · answer #11 · answered by emando16 2 · 0 0

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