Yes! Furthermore, many mutilated men have such rough glans that it's painful for the woman unless plenty of lube is used. Intact men have a soft, moist, sensual glans - no lube needed most of the time. Cut men can be so desensitized that it's very hard for them to climax from intercourse. They have to pull out and finish by hand. Gross!
Natural penises are not dirty or smelly - unless the man never washes, and then he'll be dirty and smelly even if he's mutilated.
Very few educated people are having their babies cut now. The Internet has done a lot to inform people of the uselessness and disadvantages of this barbaric procedure.
2007-01-04 12:49:50
answer #1
answered by Maple 7
Penis top is very sensitive and it is cover by forskin. Forskin is pulled down or normally it happens disclosing the top. In the begining .. may be at the age of 1-2 people circumcise penis for religious purposes. What it means? After 10 to 15 years the sensitivity of the top eroded to zero and the holding time will go up.Thats why some can hold for a long time without eject.but with less sensitivity. ( Women like that) But with high sensitivity it may result in quick eject. But it will be ok after 1-2 years. (if you want to chat IM me)
2007-01-01 19:34:50
answer #2
answered by sanju 2
it truly is an argument of opinion for which this is not achievable to furnish an answer. some say the circumcised penis looks sparkling and streamlined. Others say it has an unsightly circumcision scar and is mutilated. some say the uncut accepted penis looks wrinkled and ugly, Others say it truly is nice-looking and sensible. historic Greeks believed the epitome of male attractiveness change right into a lengthy tapering foreskin. Europeans are extra in all likelihood to desire the intact penis, even as a lot of persons are extra in all likelihood to desire the circumcised penis because it relies upon upon what one is used to seeing. you come to a decision. in case you come to a decision that you want the uncut, then you truthfully can check out foreskin restore, which produces an amazingly accepted searching restored foreskin, yet takes time and staying power.
2016-12-01 10:26:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Since the vast majority of circumcised men were circumcised as an infant, it is almost impossible to know based on firsthand experience.
However, circumcised men seem to have no problem with the head of their penis touching the skin of their underwear all day long, whereas many uncircumcised men would consider it painful if fabric directly touched the head of their penis. Therefore, it appears that uncircumcised men have more sensitive penises, at least in terms of experiencing pain --- their penis is, after all, used to being protected nearly 24 hours a day.
Increased sensitivity does not necessarily mean faster ejaculation, however. An uncircumcised man will be used to his individual level of sensitivity, since he has experienced it his entire life.
2007-01-01 21:06:11
answer #4
answered by caseinsensitive 1
Yes, quite a bit more. Only men circumcised (mutilated) as babies will disagree, because they don't know any better. As far as cleanliness goes, how difficult is it to wash regularly? Just because some people have a problem with hygene is no reason to mutilate babies.
Besides, uncircumcised feels better for women, a better stroke. If you've never had one, I'd encourage you to try it out.
And, that head sticking out exposed like that is just plain gross!! Cover it up!!!!
2007-01-02 11:46:09
answer #5
answered by Icky Vicky 2
NO medical or physiological study has ever shown that circumcision reduces sensitivity, opposed to common belief. It is completely FALSE that circumcision reduces penis sensitivity. The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) confirms this on their web site; have a look at:
CIRCUMCISION IS VERY BENEFICIAL, its cleaner, healthier and several prestigious research institutions have proved that circumcised men have less risk of contracting STD's such as AIDS-HIV, syphilis or herpes.
Uncircumcised penises are difficult to keep clean, and more prone to infections and penile cancer, studies have shown.
A circumcised penis is naturally clean and virtually free from urinary infections. You will not have to worry again with careful washing of your penis.
About STD's:
As I said, several studies carried out by prestigious research bodies have proved that uncircumcised penises are more prone to infections and contraction of STD's, including AIDS-HIV. It has been confirmed that circumcised men are up to 70% less likely to be infected than those who are uncircumcised. Have a look at this site:
As for women, studies also show that circumcision also protects female partners from AIDS-HIV and other STD's. Browse this article:
Circumcision is an easy and nowadays *painless* procedure, which has many benefits, and virtually no risks.
Circumcision is NOT an amputation. Circumcision is NOT comparable at all to female circumcision, which is something completely different.
Circumcision rates are INCREASING nowadays, both in the United States and overseas. Many African, Asian and Latin American countries with little circumcision tradition are starting to promote the procedure to help to reduce the AIDS-HIV infection rates.
Finally, this site has a lot of useful and *unbiased* information. Make sure you have a good look:
2007-01-02 04:38:31
answer #6
answered by Scuba 3
havent had sex before i got circumcised
2007-01-01 19:31:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't know. why not ask one of your male friends who is not circumcise.
2007-01-01 19:23:34
answer #8
answered by Nina 2
I wouldn't think so, because the foreskin is pulled back to put on the condom. So it would be the same as a circumcised one.
2007-01-01 19:22:35
answer #9
answered by o0p2k0o 2
I've done both but dont feel a difference its just the person!
2007-01-01 20:01:46
answer #10
answered by cHiKiBaBe 3