No. Husbands always somewhat take the place of a father figure. Nice that you guys can be cool about it.
Now, if you called him "dildo" and he called you "blow up doll" I'd think your relationship somewhat plastic.
2007-01-01 19:34:32
answer #1
answered by JB 2
It all depends on your intent and the context that you are using these nicknames. If it is "parent" & "child" driven then I would say "yes", that's a little weird but if it's just nicknames between 2 adults being intimate then there's nothing wrong with that.
2007-01-01 19:02:23
answer #2
answered by musicisme 2
Baby is quite normal, but daddy & little girl is quite weird & bordering on the sick side.
2007-01-01 18:58:45
answer #3
answered by funkychick 2
Generally, I'd say whatever floats your boat, but those particular ones could be greatly misunderstood by bystanders that don't know you well. Just know that you're setting yourself up for strange looks, confusion, and possibly disgust from others.
2007-01-01 18:58:58
answer #4
answered by wnk 5
That a tough question to respond to through fact of fact nicknames are own. I call my 2 close buddies Kitty (through fact of fact she loves cats) and LaLa (through fact of fact her call is Shelia spelled Shelah). the two unquestionably one among them call me Lil Fefe (Fefe stands for ferret through fact of fact i understand ferrets)
2016-12-11 20:54:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like you both have some hidden feelings regarding father/daughter relationships. It also sounds like you all find 'forbidden' scenarios very sensual.
2007-01-01 18:59:54
answer #6
answered by crazychick171717 2
pet names are a normal part of a healthy sexual relationship. like role-playing the milk man and lonely housewife, or the angry pilgrim and the ostrich wrangler.
2007-01-01 19:01:19
answer #7
answered by bigwoodenhead 3
no not at all, is he old enough 2 b ur dad or somethin? i joke with my man n call him that sometimes. he calls me his baby,babe sweetness, because im sweet. anymore it doesnt really matter. nicknames r cute.
2007-01-01 19:01:11
answer #8
answered by thatsspoiledangel2u 3
It has a kind of pedophilic ring to it but as long as your both adults you can engage in any fantasy you want.
2007-01-01 18:58:31
answer #9
answered by Dovahkiin 7
not really. He will be a daddy sometime probably and you are his baby.
2007-01-01 18:57:31
answer #10
answered by Jamie G 4