Go to an animal rescue. They are always looking for good homes for puppies and older dogs. Most breeds are represented and they seem to be breed specific. You can search online for rescues in your area.
If you do decide to pay for a dog steer very clear of mall type pet stores and puppy farms. These places sell weak inferior over bred dogs that may look cute when you buy them but develop expensive problems later on. Some are prone to broken bones do to shoddy breeding practices. These dogs can also be unpredictable if they do manage to live to an older age.
You would be better served by going to your local Humane Society or animal shelter. You can also go to a local breeder with a good history. A good breeder is more than willing to provide references and will give you the names and numbers of people who currently have thier dogs. They offer guaranties and such things as hip certifications on larger breeds.
2007-01-01 18:12:42
answer #1
answered by buzidebbee 2
Check out www.petfinder.com and also check their classified section ( up top near the listings.)
The majority of people giving away legitimate puppies are not giving them away free. Most people ask for a donation to make sure the puppies are going to a good home.
2007-01-01 18:06:31
answer #2
answered by Flowerlady NYC 2
Go to your local shelter. You will spend money eventually on a "free" puppy for vet care/shots etc., By adopting for a minimal fee at a shelter, you will receive discount vet visits coordinated by the shelter. Plus, shelter dogs are some of the best dogs in the world, they appreciate you rescuing them!
2007-01-02 01:20:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
the humane society and shelters. the dogs are free all you pay for is their spay, vaccines and city license most of the time. make sure you can afford the proper feeding, vet care and training and toys and a crate first though. an average pup costs around $1000 the first year. make sure you also have funds on hand in case of emergency. puppies tend to get into things and get hurt and can require er visits and extra trips to the vet. good luck.
2007-01-01 18:02:46
answer #4
answered by cagney 6
If he hasn't had his shots it's possible he could have gotten parvo if you have taken him ANYWHERE a dog has been. (I have been told by my vet that parvo can last outside on cement for 10 years). If you have, then it's possible he has parvo. Parvo will need to be treated IMEDIATELY. Expext a few grand in vet bills. (Vaccinations are MUCH cheaper). Dogs eat grass when they have an upset stomach, because it gets caught in their throat and triggers their gag reflex. It is also possible that he ate something and is just throwing it up. But puppies are pretty fragile, and should be delt with by a vet.
2016-05-23 05:21:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
U might want to try looking at any local shelters in yer area. Like, the Humane Society or aspca, or below are some named shelters, name, dogs featured, website, and location. Hope this helps!
:::: paw'd Suad, LA, www.pawdsquad.org
2007-01-01 18:33:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
look to the Humane Society or the ASPCA
might be a lot closer to free than buyiong a new puppy
also check with your county Animal Control
2007-01-01 17:57:58
answer #7
answered by tom4bucs 7
Your local dog pound? Check the newspapers, or yellow pages.
2007-01-01 18:07:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
petfinder.com it will help a lot.
also the worst place is ebay.no 1 should sell or buy the poor animals.
p.s.,dont go to ebay.i mean it.
2007-01-02 15:53:45
answer #9
answered by Jade Loves Ya! 2
Or your local newspaper probably has a webpage :)
Good luck!
2007-01-01 20:48:00
answer #10
answered by stEph viciOus 1