Your kids sound like mine they are just comfortable at home that is why they tend to be more energetic
2007-01-02 04:17:44
answer #1
answered by SAHM and proud of it 3
I have a suggestion if you are thinking of any discipline action. If you are going to try it out i suggest that you come up with a system. Now a days kids are really wrapped up in their possesions. When they act up at home first, give them a warning. If the bad behavior persists then continue with this. Take their most prized possesion, ex: playstation, fravorite doll, whatever. Then set up a reward system that provides them a chance to earn points or tickets or whatever you want to use. When they start earning these points give them an opportunity to buy back their possesions. Hold an auction. If they are serious about their possesions, which most kids are, they will respect the fact that they have to be good in order to earn their things back. Also, don't stop at one thing. If they continue to act up proceed to next favorite thing. Sometimes this works. But then again it really is up to you and what you think will be right for your children. Hopefully if everything works you will end up with respectful children at home and in public, woooooopie :)
2007-01-02 01:03:33
answer #2
answered by greenday_trjndas 1
Wow....sounds like they are pretty normal kids to me....just be glad that they don't yell all the time in public.....I know every time I go to parent teacher conferences and the teachers tell me how helpful my kids well they well they take care of their things.....and i often wonder why the school can't send those same kids home on the bus....
2007-01-02 12:40:14
answer #3
answered by ? 2
Take them out more.
Don't listen to people saying it is normal behavior. That's the new lazy crap. The kids should be happy they act respectful in public, not you. I think you should take your kids out more. Go for a walk every night after supper, take your dog if you have it, go to a museum, go to the park, skating, movies, hiking, swimming, martial arts, YMCA, etc..Oh, CHURCH, they have youth programs and GOD. They are bored and full of energy. Regardless, they should not disrespect you in or out of the home. Put your foot in their asses or buy some boots, 'cause it's gonna get deep.
2007-01-01 23:53:13
answer #4
answered by Melissa M 3
My daughter is like that to.She turned 8 in november..I get compliements on her behavior in public but when we get home its a whole other story...I think it is just normal behavior for a kid, home is where they can act up atleast they aren't being brats in public
2007-01-02 11:47:14
answer #5
answered by his wife 4
Like everyone has said - that is normal..... But is that acceptable??? I could tell you all these things to do to discipline at home, but I swear if you watch Supernanny, you will get tons of ideas and get to watch and see how it's done. She really makes a lot of sense. And don't feel bad, most of us were never taught by anyone how to discipline in a way that would give good results.
Good luck!
2007-01-02 02:38:20
answer #6
answered by amethyst1195 2
Home is a place where, up to a point, you're allowed to behave like a pig. My kids were like yours. Now they've left home, they've both turned out OK. Yes, it was annoying, but who ever said that parenting was undemanding? It's the repressed, showcase, goody-goody kids who mess up later. I consider that we did a good job as parents. It sounds as if you're a good parent too. I behave like a slob at home. Just as long as you can turn it off when necessary, like at funerals and job interviews, that's OK.
2007-01-02 02:06:32
answer #7
answered by zee_prime 6
Establish consquences for being bratty at home. Rudeness, fighting, backtalk-all of that needs some type privilege removal. Period. You are on the right track if they behave well in public-but they need to respect you also.
2007-01-02 00:45:15
answer #8
answered by momofhaybear 2
Ours our the same way I think It's pretty normal. Again be glad that they are not being brats in public. Your doing something right.
2007-01-01 23:44:31
answer #9
answered by Stan in CA 1
These are normal kids. A suggestion is to reward them when they behave themselves at home. If I were you I'll let them grow; its a matter of time that they'll outgrow this behavior.
2007-01-01 23:46:53
answer #10
answered by SingGirl 4