This is where the Uninsured Motorist portion of your policy comes into play. Your auto insurance agent will confirm that. It's not really your job to try and find out who is liable. It really is best that you call your own auto insurance company and start by making a claim. Let them sort it out. That's what they do. That's why we pay premiums. In other words, you've already hired and are already paying the right people to do the job you are trying to do yourself. Talk to your insurance company.
Edited: . It's ALWAYS safe and best to call YOUR insurance company and make a claim. They don't want to make a pay out! So they will ALWAYS determine just WHERE the liability is, and charge them with payment! In the meantime, they will cover your repairs. If you have a deductible on your Uninsured Motorist portion of the policy, yes, that will be your obligation to pay. Another reason is it a good idea to WATCH those deductibles. Sometimes it's easier to pay a few dollars more a month in premiums than to cough up say $1000 for a deductible when you've been hit. The uninsured motorist portion of your policy usually carries a deductible. I was hit by an uninsured motorist with no drivers license at nite with no headlights who turned left right in front of me at a major intersection. I had a $500 deductible on my Uninsured Motorist portion of my policy. After paying that out, I changed the deductible to $100 and paid only pennies more on my premium. Yeah, we learn by our mistakes.
2007-01-01 14:05:26
answer #1
answered by mgs4Real 3
Since no one was seriously injured or killed it would only be a misdemeanor hit and run (you don't have to hit another person). For driving with passengers and driving after 11 on a provisional license you can get community service or a small fine. Don't worry too much about that one. If you get charged with hit and run and/or reckless driving, the penalties for that can be much more serious. Each carries a fine and/or potential jail time and 2 points on your record. In CA, being under 21 and blowing a 0.01 can still get you a suspended license. Nothing you did would be probably be considered a felony, but depending on what exactly you're charged with, you may want to consider a lawyer.
2016-05-23 04:40:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No, a stolen Uhaul is not Uhaul's responsiblity. Just like if someone stole your car - you're not paying for the damages they caused. Sue the individual themselves or fix your car under collision. If you have umpd, then you can claim under that...
2007-01-01 16:41:57
answer #3
answered by PeppermintandPopcorn 3
Only if an employee of Uhaul was driving and it wasn't stolen. Otherwise, you better contact your own insurance company.
2007-01-01 14:59:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If somebody steals your car and hits somebody are you liable ? NO.
2007-01-01 13:50:53
answer #5
answered by 1diputs 4
Nope, sorry. Sue the driver.
2007-01-01 13:36:27
answer #6
answered by miladybc 6
If it was a rented Unit, then it should be under the renters insurance, if it was an unrented Unit, then it should be under U-Hauls insurance.
2007-01-01 13:36:20
answer #7
answered by gregthomasparke 5
U-Haul Corporation is probably self-insured and they are responsible for any damages.
2007-01-01 13:48:36
answer #8
answered by Risk_Kay 3