I've been spanked in my life and hit in my life, and I can tell you truly, the two experiences were nothing alike. If a spanking is just an expression of a parent's anger, that is TOTALLY different than a controlled spanking being given as a punishment--as part of the 'justice system' in the household, so to speak. Kids do not confuse the two things--it's only adults that don't seem to get it.
2007-01-01 12:32:12
answer #1
answered by Mr. Denny 3
I do spank but only after I've told him that it is a consequence for a certain behavior and NOT in anger. He went through a really big hitting phase during which I felt very conflicted about spanking for hitting. The phase seemed to end one day on the playground. He was running around acting like a scary monster and bumping into people. He did it to an older kid who turned around and pushed my son down. My son's face was scratched and had a little bruise but the hitting phase is now over.
My point is that there is no better teacher than real life sometimes. I talked to him, put him in time out, took away priveleges and toys, and even resorted to a spanking or two but it was the real life lesson that taught him.
I tried to find the kid who pushed my son down to tell him it was wrong to push a little kid but he was gone. I sat my son down and we had a long talk (me talking) about why we don't hit (because it hurts).
2007-01-01 21:12:42
answer #2
answered by mlemt76 3
Great question. What kind of message does that send to a child? Spanking is a lazy form of parenting. In the adult world would it be okay to hit a person to teach them a lesson or to solve an issue? Definitely not but alot of parents think it is the only way to discipline. If they think that then why are there so many parents asking questions like "I have tried everything even spanking my child but it doesn't seem to work?" I see that question alot.
My question is: Why aren't there professional experts (who are parents) that put out books on how spanking works and it is the best way to discipline?
I mostly see that it doesn't work long term and there is so much information out there saying that it is wrong. I have yet to see a book on "Spanking is the right way to discipline." You only hear that sentence by dumb parents.
2007-01-01 20:10:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Thats a good question, I belive strongly in disciplining your child, But there is more than one way to do it, you can punish them, like no TV, or dessert. But it all depends on the child, sometimes no TV does'nt work. Then you may have to resort to spanking them but in doing so let them know that you're the adult and parent and that you and only you have the right to spank them, only if they do wrong, let them know that they are not an adult, and should not act like one by hitting some one elese unless it's self defense. either way it's a sticky situation. I say that spanking should be your last soultuion, try other way's like talking to them, or a time out. If you have to spank your child make sure you explaine yourself and dont over do it, you don't want your child hating you or it turning into abuse. There's a saying that "love cures all". Sometimes that's all it takes.
2007-01-01 19:43:52
answer #4
answered by K 2
Well, I think there are other ways of discipline for that. Like time-out or taking away a privelege. The ONLY time I would spank a child is for doing something that could seriously hurt them or endanger their life. Spanking scares a child (if they're not used to it) and can make them understand the severity of their actions and they will realize not to do it again or they could get seriously hurt. Examples of this type of situation- running into the street, getting ahold of a knife, etc.
2007-01-01 19:37:35
answer #5
answered by aneps_grl 2
Spanking is not the only mode of discipline, just as taking privileges away are not the only way of discipline. So no, I wouldn't spank if my child hit. But for me, my child hitting isn't the issue as much as being unkind to our friends and expressing him/herself inappropriately. Spanking is not about a parent expressing themselves inappropiately. In our home, it is merely one possible way of imposing a consequence for undesirable behavior. It is not an act done with a mean spirit. Lastly, it is not a method of behavior modification we like to use, but it is one that we will use if we feel the situation calls for it.
2007-01-01 19:36:53
answer #6
answered by rosannerdanna 3
If you spank your child, then it really does not matter how you discipline your child for this particular misbehaviour. They've already gotten the message. Stop hitting and talk to your child. You are the only person that they can truly trust, (I hope), so you should be spending the most time taliking with them.
2007-01-01 19:37:42
answer #7
answered by Each1Teach1 3
Nope. That is when I explain to them that hitting hurts. And I ask if they like it when their siblings hit. They know it hurts. They just need to be reminded. I spank my children but only when whatever they are doing will hurt them more than a spanking. (such as running into the street.) I try talking with my children to explain to them why things are the way they are. It works for us.
2007-01-01 19:32:37
answer #8
answered by Mrs. Always Right 5
I wouldn't because it doesn't make sense to teach a child that it's wrong to hit...by hitting that child! Another reason parents often spank their children is out of anger (that the child did something wrong). To me that teaches the child that when one is angry, hitting is okay. I must say that my children, as they were growing up, sometimes wished I would just spank them instead of TALKING about it!!!
2007-01-01 19:34:31
answer #9
answered by treehuggernw 1
I would spank them.
spanking is not hitting. It is a punishment administered by a parent.
Is locking up a convicted kidnapper kidnapping?
2007-01-04 21:08:52
answer #10
answered by beckychr007 6