Have him lay down and tell him to look at the ceiling and count the spots on the ceiling. While he is looking up at the ceiling insert a drop in one eye. Tell him to look up again and count the bugs on the ceiling and then do the other eye. If this doesn't work follow the first posters suggestion of eyes closed and then asking him to open them once you have the drops in.
2007-01-01 08:58:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Do what Susan C said, except a little differently. Instead of laying him down(because he might refuse to do that), while he's sleeping wait until like 30 minutes before he wakes up and then put the eye drop right by his eye. That way he won't know something is going on and they'll just go right into his eye.
2007-01-01 09:01:19
answer #2
answered by Phil 4
Several people have already told you the closed eye method which works really well. However I sense that he feels this is punishment instead of attention. Make it a treat to lay down with his head in your lap, ie, when you comb his hair or read a story to him. My sons trust me so much that once with the older one in ER after a car wreck, he was confused and combative, but as soon as I arrived,he all but fell asleep, I helped clean his wounds so the dr. could stitch him back together. Work to develop this trust with your son.
2007-01-01 09:06:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I work in a doctors office...... tell him to lay his head back and close his eyes. Put the drops in the corners of his eyes. then tell him to open...it is all done :) and they will slide in. But he must open his eyes before he lifts his head. Dont let him rub his eyes before they soak in his eyes. Give it 5 seconds
2007-01-01 09:00:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Lay him down. Have him close his eyes. Put them by the tear duct. Have him open his eyes. When he opens his eyes, VIOLA, they will slide into the eye.
2007-01-01 08:53:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i would try giving them to him once he falls asleep. put them in the corners of his eyes and they will slide in. good luck
2007-01-01 09:04:04
answer #6
answered by kd baby 5
try bibein him or say if you dont let me you wont get to _________
2007-01-01 08:54:11
answer #7
answered by justmehere 3