You my dear should thank God that you do have a loving mother that cares about your welfare!!!! She may trust you but not the boys and that is a mother being a mother. Maybe she doesnt want you to end up pregnant or worse. You didnt say how old you are but if you are a teen I wholeheartedly agree with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-01 08:52:09
answer #1
answered by shirley e 7
When I was 17, I was pregnant and married. By the time I was 26, I had three children and was divorced. Your mother knows how much life will be harder for you when you make that decision to have sex. She is not trying to be mean. Even though it may seem like she is over-reacting, being controlling, or just plain unfair, I can promise you she only has your best interest in mind. If she is over-reacting, then at least she loves you enough to react. Tell your mother that you want to talk to her. Tell her that you will be honest and tell her everything IF she only listens without interrupting you, and asks you questions later. Tell her what happened and/or what didn’t happen. Tell her, most importantly, what you were thinking and how it made you feel. I guarantee you that is all she wants to know anyway. Ask her to tell you about birth control. Ask her if that is an option you can discuss. If she says no, let it go for now. This too shall pass, and there will be a better time later to discuss the issue when it is not so sensitive. Good luck and remember that the decisions you make today, cause tomorrow's situations.
2007-01-05 01:53:45
answer #2
answered by spoiledbrat30x3 2
Okay, I have really protective parents too. They call all the time, they worry when im out with people they don't know, they give me talks about drinking and drugs and stuff. You know, they care because well, they wouldn't have broughten you into the world and kept you if they didn't want to have someone to care about. They feel as if your there responsibility and just worry that they're not doing a good job sometimes. I know it can be stressful having parents that worry and care so much when you see some of your friends being aloud to do whatever they want but I for one know as soon as my mom and dad stopped worrying about me and stopped calling I would be heartbroken. It's nice knowing that your parents will care about you know matter what you do. Just think about it this way, your parents are trying to give you the best life they can and they just get worked up when they see you doing things they don't agree with. Parents aren't always right but they don't want you making the same mistakes they may have made. In the future when your old enough you will look back and realize that they were only looking out for you. Until then your just going to have to deal with them reading over your shoulder when your on the computer, telling you to wear your coat, asking where your going and with who and just deal with the little things. Oh and as my dad always tells me ... its not that they don't trust you, its everyone else they don't trust. I'm sure they know they raised you properly but they didn't raise everyone else so they can't know what to expect. It's a big world out there and your just one person in it. One person among many that they happen to care about.
2007-01-01 16:55:25
answer #3
answered by Mystic-scorpio 2
I know I would care 100% if you was my daughter I would be heart broken. And knowing every little thing you are doing in your free times.....
Mother's don't want nothing to happen their daughters.She don't want nothing to happen to you,,, Things can happen very fast .I'm sure she trust you allot..She just scared
all the boyfriends when you are under 18 will be puppy love and your mom knows that.. It may feel like real love to you..But you still learning. HMM Things like this my hurt you not today but maybe later in your life..
2007-01-01 17:09:11
answer #4
answered by á?¦â?¥á?¦~Ang~á?¦â? á?¦ (aka Angel Star) 2
Of course she doesn't trust you! If you are young enough to be counting "bases" you are too young to be sleeping with him.
And she cares because she carried you inside her for nine months. Do you think that once the umbilical cord is cut they immediately stop caring? Or that once you deem yourself old enough to do what you want, she'll stop caring?
I've got some news for you: Not going to happen, NEVER going to happen- a good mother will always care. I'm 24 and my mother still worries about the men with whom I am involved. And you know what? I appreciate it.
2007-01-01 16:55:10
answer #5
answered by Rachel 6
Parents always seem to be harder on us girls. My mom was the same way when I was 16. My boyfriend and I were fully clothed and sleeping next to each other. But it didn't matter. She automatically got pissed and assumed we had had sex. We didn't actually have sex until I was 18.
2007-01-01 17:07:01
answer #6
answered by Wiccan~Momma 3
this question is easy to answer,as a father of four childern,two is meant to be shared between a man and woman when they are outside marriage is dangerous,due to all the disease and a parent,all we want is the BEST for our children.that includes sex.and the best sex is in a marriage.she is concerned because if she sees you in the couch sleeping with him,even know you might be dressed,maybe no intent to have sex,it does happen.parents just want what is right and good for there kids,I THINK SHE TRUST YOU,I JUST DONT THINK SHE TRUST THE BOY FRIEND.HOPE THIS HELPS,IT WAS MEANT TO HELP,NOT PREACH TO YOU.THANKS
2007-01-01 16:55:04
answer #7
answered by guitpicker777 2
Honey, if your so grown, get a motel room, tell Mr Hottie nothing in life is free.And your folks are very reasonable people, if I would have seen that kind of behavior at my house, Hottie would have left with something broken. Your actions would be reason not to trust you. and parents aren't stupid, they know what your up to.
2007-01-01 20:03:15
answer #8
answered by Granny 1 7
If you two are "sleeping" together, arms around each other, YA, that shows a lack of respect to your parents, and to yourself. How old are you anyway ??? If you're going to do bases with your bf, go to a baseball diamond, and run. ~~~~
2007-01-01 16:51:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
1st I'm a mom as well and I would care as well.Your mom wants the best for you as I did for my daughter when she was your age . Did you ask why your mom felt that way?Talking with your mom is a good way to communicate ; such as helping her to understand you better & as well as to help her to trust you more. I know she having a hard trusting your boyfriend . As I would if my daughter had spent the night in bed with her boyfriend. Please reach out to your mom please. I hope this advice helps and it's a way to help yourself. Good Luck & Happy New Year
2007-01-01 18:13:20
answer #10
answered by Diana N 1