Instead of buying my daughter an iPod, I would listen to music with her.Make it a mother/daughter ritual. You can introduce her to good music, you can monitor what she's listening to, and you don't have to worry about her responsibility level and ability to take care of the iPod. I notice that iPods put a barrier between people and social experiences now a days. We are listening to music, with headphones on, and blocking everyone else out. Instead of introducing this tendency at an early age, you should teach her to appreciate music with you, in a social experience. It's something you two care share together.
2007-01-01 10:03:17
answer #1
answered by Alexa K 5
I would say 8 is just a little too young solely because ipods are very fragile and expensive items. If it gets dropped one too many times, then its done with. Besides that, as an 8 year old she probably has a lot of energy and could very easily lose it or forget is somewhere. I would wait until 11 or 12
2007-01-01 08:31:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It might be a little to young. It all depends. Is she resonsible or not. If she is very resonsible, you could try. She will also be asking you lots of questions, all the time. I wouldn't give a 8 year old an ipod, but if you think that she will be resonsible, give it a shot. Just be prepared, if it gets lost or broken don't blame her. Shes 8 years old!
2007-01-01 12:50:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
classic is barely good once you're a large music lover with extremely some music or exhibits or video clips. Nano are good for youthful human beings placed its have been given a small confusing tension. Shuffle is effective in case you run or excercise. I even have the classic reason I also have a large library. An 8 365 days previous i might say shuffle or nano.
2016-11-25 20:43:17
answer #4
answered by nancey 4
We bought my daughter a disney mix-it. It's a little cheaper ($70, for a set that had the player, a speaker stand and a music card), and instead of storing all the info on an internal memory, you can use SD cards. They also sell cute disney music mixit cards.
We were also able to purchase an extended warranty from toys r us that covers ANY damage from being dropped, washed etc. She's had it for two weeks and loves it. Hasn't lost it, and we just spent an hour together mixing more music on her SD card.
2007-01-01 15:36:49
answer #5
answered by ? 6
I think you shouldn't give your daughter a ipod until shes atleast 10 or 11,if she gets mad at you talk to her,make sure she under stands that she is to young ,tell her she only has about 3 years until she can have one.
2007-01-01 09:49:30
answer #6
answered by Katie B 1
Well if she knows how to use it or has some one who can put the music on it for her than by all means buy it for her. Maybe buy her a different mp3 player it would be cheaper and if she breaks it or can't figure it out than you did't spend 200.00$ for nothing. Buy her a creative player those are ok. Better yet there are kids mp3 players at walmart in the girls toy stuff theyre by the video nows they hold like 12 songs and they are only 20.00$ try that if you don't think she is ready for a real one yet.
2007-01-01 10:11:21
answer #7
answered by nobody 5
I would have thought that it was too young, but my daughter is nine and her classmates have cell phones, iPods, laptops and that kind of thing. If your daughter is responsible enough not to break it or lose it, and if she really wants one, I say you should go for it.
2007-01-02 09:52:47
answer #8
answered by Paul 2
get the Ipod shuffel, the one that clips to her pocket. these are the least costly, and you can control what songs she has. itunes has some great parnent control features. I do think she is to young for a regular ipod, the ones with like 30 Gigs of memory... she will never have 10,000 songs to put on it. and that is money waisted on memory.
2007-01-01 09:29:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No, not at all. If she enjoys music then an ipod is an excellent way for her to listen wherever she goes. I would educate her in being careful against theft (eg, don't take it into school and try to keep it in her pocket when wearing it out in town).
2007-01-01 09:40:32
answer #10
answered by starchilde5 6