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6 answers

Yes (sometimes) and No. Everyone has their flaws, if you don't like your partners, then turn the lights out when having sex so you can't see them. :-)

2007-01-01 00:51:14 · answer #1 · answered by brian c 5 · 0 0

I had a close to lack of life adventure. there change into no 'basic'. there change into no heaven. there change into no hell. there change into merely an area of waiting, the position i change into instructed I wasn't waiting for the afterlife yet. i change right into a Christian on the time. Now i do not stick with any faith. that adventure replaced my complete attitude on existence, my own idea device, and the afterlife. I in no way used to have self assurance in reincarnation, yet i began to after that adventure. this is not a lack of those style of anecdotes it truly is the priority. this is the inability of idea in what each person has to assert related to NDEs it truly is the priority. An anecdote can't be shown. this is only a narrative of a own adventure, for this reason, this is unnecessary to attempt to cajole each person that one's NDE printed absolutely the 'truth'. My NDE replaced my existence in a great way, and that is all that concerns. I view Muslims a similar as I view all of us else. On a human being foundation.

2016-12-01 09:39:06 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Counting them is a good way to delay the inevitable!

2007-01-01 00:47:10 · answer #3 · answered by neoscribbler 2 · 2 0

i suspect most people have them and no they dont turn me off -- im too busy pleasing my lady to really care :D

2007-01-01 01:13:40 · answer #4 · answered by Waterdragon 7 · 5 0

woo hoo to waterdragon's answer

2007-01-01 02:29:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

TMI !! there are somethings that people dont talk about!

2007-01-01 01:08:31 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 2 1

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