Simply ask her what she thinks of it. She may freak out if she does not like the idea at all. You can't get her to accept it. It is either she accepts it or she does not. Remember it excites you and not her. If she is put off by the idea, drop it. If she laugh it off, then you may try to surprise her by wearing it when she least expects it. All the best!
2007-01-01 00:23:50
answer #1
answered by Alfretz T 3
Okay for me personally i think the whole idea of it is completly GROSS. BUT i'm not your fiance and i don't know you. I think that because you guys are going to be married and she feels she can spend the rest of her life with you then she should be able to accept this new turn on for you and go with it, with out her making you feel bad about having the feelings you're having. BUT i also don't think it's your job to MAKE HER accept it. It may take her some time to come to grips but i think she'll come around.
Hopefully that all made sense.
2007-01-01 04:41:46
answer #2
answered by cutie_sweets2002 1
tell her first that you have a problem in your mind, you tell her that this is a problem and you want her to help you with this. then tell her that you know very well that this is unacceptable. ask her to help you how to deal with this because you yourself dont understand this but it excites you. but as a whole this is an information that only to her you can tell, and that this information is only for the two of you. then you tell her that you find it weird that you like her panties on you, but at the same time it excite you that panty on you and on her too. dont tell her straight, as girls would want it to go round and round you know what i mean :) i think she will not be shock if you tell her one at a time, she might laugh. :)
2007-01-01 00:20:16
answer #3
answered by blue violet 3
hi you can mentioned you saw it in a movie i forgot the name its one with Freddie prince jr. and the jessica Biel i think and in the begining he is at the baseball field with a girl and soon its morning and she takes off with his boxers and his left with her panties. You could mention i wonder how that feels and put them on and laugh about it . First of all you have to be watching the movie though!! Also you have to know if she and you have a open mind in sex trying different things.
2007-01-01 18:18:35
answer #4
answered by Evelyn P 1
First thing you need to ask yourself is why would she freak out? If she really loves you then she can except you for who you are...not what the world says a person should be. Be open with her and she'll probably surprise you with thinking it's OK. If not maybe she isn't your soul mate.
2007-01-01 00:29:53
answer #5
answered by EchoAnn 2
Tell that you've discovered something new that turns you on and then share it with her. She may get upset, she may not. If she does, mention that you are being honest and sharing with her. We women like that stuff.
2007-01-01 00:28:47
answer #6
answered by Julia B 6
sorry dude....thats still kinda freaky. clothes are one thing if your just joking around, but panties? thats just gross. bu t hey, tell her if you want to.
2007-01-01 01:38:24
answer #7
answered by Jenn ♥Cadence Jade's mum♥ 7
Be honest with her,You cant get married with this on your mind.
2007-01-01 00:12:33
answer #8
answered by Bella 7