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he used to call me,and when it first started,we were on a great term,i don't mean we were all sweet around each other,we lived far away,and so couldn;t see each other,but we baiscally texted each other once a day or so.but lately he stopped texting me,and we kinda lost contact,and when i asked him he said he is busy(i know he is really busy,but doesn't he have a sec to text his girlsfriend?)i don't know if i have lost him,maybe i am thinking too much...wat do u sau=y?and any suggestions?thanks big time!

2006-12-31 20:23:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

19 answers

I hate to say it hun but I honestly think you might be hitting on one of two things..... bye bye honeymoon period and you are getting more comfortable with eachother and just don't need that extra attempt to make the other swoon, or you may have hit the nail on the head.

I personally believe always trust your instincts they will often guide you in the right direction.

2006-12-31 20:27:26 · answer #1 · answered by Lillithin 3 · 0 0

Since there's quite a distance between the both of you your seeing each other is very limited. Why don't you just remain friends, why ruin a friendship when you know a relationship won't work out?
By giving him this out, you might reconnect again in the future.
I dated someone that lived 20+ miles away from me and very seldomly saw him. I was 15 I guess. We reconnected when I was 20 and ended up getting married.
Good Luck to you and have a Happy New Year!

2006-12-31 20:34:33 · answer #2 · answered by gigi 2 · 0 0

You shouldnt push this guy at any reason,all couples face boring at sometime,its just a matter of regulation and handling the situation.
The fact that you guys live far from each other is not gonna help and with the time will turn determinant(not in a positive way).

Suggestion:ask whats going on?

2006-12-31 20:34:36 · answer #3 · answered by whatever 3 · 0 0

long distance relationships dont always work!! its really hard! probably hes not that loyal to you! there is a lot of girls around him and you know so I dont think hes gonna stay on the long distance... and thats a lot of temptations.... and if you were texting once a day not even calling each other... you shouldve been calling each other like at least 2 hours a day.. but probably hes just saving you like a door mat! maybe not! butI suggest you have to move on! there is a lot of special people out there!

2006-12-31 20:34:23 · answer #4 · answered by v3rx3n 2 · 0 0

Some times we can get real busy but only for a little while I work two full time jobs and I always had time to text when I was dating but who knows us guys are crazy. I hope it all works out for the best.

2006-12-31 20:27:49 · answer #5 · answered by Mac H 3 · 0 0

I've noticed in relationships if you put too much energy into it the other person starts to pull his energy out of it. Maybe you need to give him some space for a while...

And I think relationships go though phases and fluctuate between heavy contact and light contact

2006-12-31 20:26:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know we all women have limited and small patient and this is one of our important difference with the guys.I myself have lost my lover for this problem.If i had more tolerance about him, i would never lost him.
Other point and other difference between us and the guys, when the guys have problem , they try to solve the problems by themselves and keep their problems with them mostly, but we all can not do it and most times try to tell sb and pour our problem .

So try to be calm and let him be alone and give him enough time to be ready be with you again.I know that being patient is hard in these times but you should try it.
Just try to text him and tell him you can help him for any problem and if he refusded again leave him alone for some days.
Good luck and HAPPY NEW YEAR

2006-12-31 21:11:14 · answer #7 · answered by Elham 2 · 0 0

You may be happy with a permanant long distance relationship but 5 will get you 10 he's not. I guess he wants a real person, not a text message!

2006-12-31 20:26:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

properly, attempt to hook him up with some acquaintances. in line with risk invite him to 3 amassing the place he can meet some guy acquaintances and cling out with them. additionally, attempt to stay busy and cool it somewhat. Plan some activities with him, yet dont' spend each waking hour of on a daily basis with him. far, does make the heart improve fonder. that is gloomy that relationships persist with the comparable development like variety advertising, yet there is too a lot of a sturdy element. provide him area. help him get some new guy acquaintances in line with risk. Make some exciting plans with him. Philippines in a eye-catching us of a, you men might desire to make a journey to numerous the islands--Boracay or Palawan. Yeah, purely shop issues exciting and god bless that is going to artwork out properly for you. Take care! wish this facilitates-:)

2016-12-15 12:52:29 · answer #9 · answered by mijarez 4 · 0 0

ok this is the thing the way i see it he's always been busy and he use to have time to text you before you and i both know it only takes one minute max to send a short text and although hearing this hurts i think he's being an a$& but this is the thing PLEASE trust give it ONE WEEK don't think about it and don't contact him and see what he does if he doesn't do anything then forget about him...ONE WEEK trust me will WORK :)

2006-12-31 20:32:42 · answer #10 · answered by broken heart 2 · 0 0

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