WHOOOAH!! You're moving too fast! you cant start with you're sex-life when you haven't even kissed/dated!!! Just chill! find a boy-friend (don't just pick anyone) and take it SLOW. the time will come when it's ready.
2006-12-31 20:00:53
answer #1
answered by DJared 2
Don't just give yourself up to anyone. You should get involved in a relationship first. You being a 20 year old virgin is something rare and special don't worry about being out of the crowd. You can give yourself up to the wrong person and regret it later so just wait for that special guy and if you're looking for a relationship just go out with friends and see if you see any guys that are boyfriend material and start up a conversation you never know how anything will turn out if you don't try.
2007-01-01 04:01:32
answer #2
answered by *Benny B* 4
well obviously u dont wanna goup to a random guy and have sex with him! lol but u can goto clubs/ bars or any places really and start trying to catch the eyes of some guys! and after u develop a relationship and love the guy u can move onto haveing sex! ( not saying u hafta wait till ur married) lol but im 18 and havent been kissed so dont worry about it! it will happen u just gotta get up some courage and put urself outthere more! hope this helps! good luck! =)
2007-01-01 04:03:11
answer #3
answered by ☮Dano922☮ 4
Baby anything worth wile is worth the wait and I haven't met you but I can tell that your worth the wait. Don't look for someone to lose your virginity with look for someone to spend the rest of your life with.
Love is not a nice pair of breasts or a firm round behind love is an eighty something year old couple out walking hand and hand giving sway to the wind but staying true to the end, love is not long flowing locks or French manicured toes love is being able to stand up and endure through all the hot summer days and all the un-forecast storms. Love is not smooth flowing skin with all its curves and its bends love is a crown full of grey with all its aches and its pains, some people they claim they know love but they only know it by its name and some people they long and search for love but they don’t know where to begin. Love is not a hour glass shape or a mere warm embrace it goes much deeper than her clothes. It starts roundabout her soul.
2007-01-01 11:48:14
answer #4
answered by mikelarry96 2
You need to stop thinking about the negative stuff and start thinking about the positive things that are going for you. Guys usually like girls who are confident in themselves and now how to at least look decent physically. You should try to work on your self esteem first and then start looking for a mate. And at last any girl can get laid in a second if they flirt with a guy enough.
2007-01-01 04:13:24
answer #5
answered by BadBoy L 2
Stop obsessing about being a virgin and about having no boyfriend. Coming across as needy and desperate is not attractive. Get involved in some new activities (volunteer, join a sports club, take a class), anything that will get you out there meeting new people.
2007-01-01 03:58:50
answer #6
answered by Liz 7
Don't be hard on yourself. Look in the mirror everyday and tell your self good things while looking dead in your eyes! You have to believe you are worthy or no one else will! Like a car salesman, if they don't believe in what they are selling, they won't sell much! If you don't believe in yourself, no one will want to approach you. A smile goes a long way! Be upbeat! Be friendly! Be a "Porsche" not a "Yugo"! Feel good and things will happen!
2007-01-01 04:04:03
answer #7
answered by sixfoot8bkr 3
Join a gym, start working out. Start wearing some makeup. Once you have a nice figure, dress in clothes that accent it but don't make you look like a hobag. In a few months, when your where you need to be, you'll start getting asked out on dates. After your married, then you can start your sexual life.
2007-01-01 04:10:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you sholud keep your virginity not until your married... wanting to start your romantic life doesn't mean should also be sexually active... to have a boyfrnd isnt juz bcoz you wnt to have sex, it is bcoz you wnt to have some1 whom u can turn to whenevr ur dwn and sme1 who wil support u in evry step u make... wel, u can always 2rn to ur frnds and dey can support u, but if its ur special some1 whos there and willing to be at ur side its really different... Its much nicer if the person accepts u for who u r and not bcoz of wat u have and hw u look like.. if u really want to have a boyfrnd it will juz arrive at the ryt time, u dnt have t look for it.. mybe it will arrive when u least expct it... learn to w8 a little more... keep on smillin'... happy new year! peace out! ;-)
2007-01-01 12:53:44
answer #9
answered by katrina r 1
Make as many friends as you can. Go places where you can meet people. A friendship can develop into a relationship. It just takes time.
2007-01-01 04:11:17
answer #10
answered by Robert G. 4