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I dunno wat to do... I thought I loved her, but I guess not. I can't get her off my mind and the me-and-her saga in my life is over now to me. I can't stop thinkin' bout her. I think of her and me just datin' holdin' hands stuff like that I just can't stop. I have dreams about her and I think about her all the time. I still love her but I'm tryin' to get over her. How should I? I wanna see if there's any1 else I wanna date but wheneva I think of datin' she just pops into my head and I can't get her out. I dunno wat to do. If I think about her all the time, how am I gonna get her outta my head? Should I wait or should I just leave it cause I was lied to over a few times?

2006-12-31 19:02:49 · 3 answers · asked by A guy who cant fall outta love 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

she said she couldn't date till she's 15 she told me, but.... well most of my questions relate to her. if u dunno just look 'em up.

2006-12-31 19:06:23 · update #1

3 answers

You know what, you and my ex...well sorta, are one in the same. I just can't figure it out. You wanna break up. That phase in your life is over but you can't get past it. It's always on your mind but you want to see if there's anyone else out there. Listen, I've been on and off with this guy for MONTHS and it is no fun. Why do we do it? We're still terribly, terribly in love. Problem is that he's the typical young guy who still has a bit of growing up to do and the future's coming at him fast and he's freaking out. Suddenly it's the "Well I love you, but...I can't be tied down right now cause what if I 'miss' something or someone." Dude, and they say girls are complicated! What ever happened to just go with the flow, if something's meant to happen then it'll happen?

Anyway, getting a little off track! If you want to get over her but can't stop thinking about her then I'm afraid that you aren't ready to be over her at all. Now, I will tell you this though...the off and on thing is super hard and can really hurt so if you love this girl you need to ask youself if you'd be willing to put her though all of that. Question, do you still see each other often? If so it's probably hard to be close to them without being 'close' to them as you were as a couple. You really only have one option if you REALLY want to get over her. (Once again, no idea why if you still love her.) Anyway, start seeing other people and don't look back. You can still talk to each other and hang out but that's it. You're gonna be tempted but you must avoid the urge to grab her hand or kiss her or whatever cause believe me...those oportunities will present themselves!

2006-12-31 19:52:27 · answer #1 · answered by Heather 5 · 0 1

ask her out on a date. good luck and have a happy new year.

2006-12-31 19:05:37 · answer #2 · answered by Joho 7 · 1 1

y dont u guys be together

2006-12-31 19:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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