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im a money type of guy i always got $$$ im sponsered by a skate team i got a job at mickey d's n at publix but how do i kno if a girl im datin insnt golddiggen cuz they don always ask4 money n stuff but i get this feelin tha all they wan is my money i went frm nothin to sumthin so it sucks that i cant hav sumone that likes me four me n not my money

2006-12-31 18:59:52 · 4 answers · asked by forrest b 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

4 answers

How much money is McDonald's paying these days that you are worried about golddiggers?

Anyway I agree with another responder. Stop flaunting your money if you don't want people to be after it.

2006-12-31 19:09:07 · answer #1 · answered by CAITLIN 5 · 0 0

The Solution You'd See on Dave Chappelle:

One day, come home and say, "Oh, crap, you'll never guess what happened to me today. I lost my cash, I blew it on that stupid lottery. I got a few dollars to pay one bill, but I gotta get a new job, and you're gonna have to help me out a little."

If they get into a fight, or if they leave, they're a gold-digging shame.

The Sensible Solution:

Spend some time with them. Don't take them out to fancy places all the time, like most gold-diggers expect you to. Be normal, as if you didn't have all of that money. There are a lot of girls who will like you for more than your cash. You never know.

2006-12-31 19:06:04 · answer #2 · answered by xxWannabeWriterxx 5 · 0 0

stop discussing your money situation, stop spending the big bucks, and stop flashing the money. After a little bit we'll see who is still with ya and who "Hit-The-Pike"

2006-12-31 19:03:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're that worried, then don't date! n

2006-12-31 19:03:17 · answer #4 · answered by Nikki 7 · 0 0

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