Many people are shy around the opposite sex or someone they are attracted to. We've all been there. I suggest you view them like they are your buddies, and you'll find that you can have little chats without much effort. Once you succeed in doing this you'll discover that you won't be so shy around them.Weigh the losses against the gains, if you don't get socialable you don't move forward and meet that someone special, but if you take the risk the reward can Choose wisely.
2006-12-31 16:52:09
answer #1
answered by doogie2man 2
Being A Shy Guy
2016-11-02 22:50:38
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Be a modern woman and make your own move. Too many times have good guys fell by the wayside because women are too caught up in the mindset of having a big bad man that fulfills some sort of prehistoric aggressive need for us. Sure, bad boys can end up being good in the long run - and they are almost always fun, but if you give a shy guy a little time I bet you'll find out that he can be just as interesting, not to mention more stable.
2016-03-14 00:10:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's ok to be shy,in fact I find shy people cute! But it's better if you get shy too often or people might think you are a wimp or something,unless you don't want to care what they say and just be yourself!
2006-12-31 16:50:31
answer #4
answered by FloralLover 6
There is a difference between shy and scared. Which are you.
Shy is fine, scared is not.
Get in the game and socialize. Be yourself and don't be someone your not, sicerity will give great rewards.
2006-12-31 16:51:28
answer #5
answered by Wabbit 5
I am definitely more touched by a shy guy than an arrogant or matsho
2006-12-31 16:55:45
answer #6
answered by syphilbunny 2
nothing wrong with a shy guy or even a guy that cries. I will never forget the day my son was born and I looked at my then husband and i was stunned to see him crying. I had never once for all the yrs we were together ever seen him cry. It was the most wonderful moment to be.
2006-12-31 16:52:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Personally, I think shy guys are cute. But always remember that confidence is attractive - if I talk to a guy and he seems really down on himself, then it makes me feel akward.. You seem like a nice guy, just be proud of who you are and the girlies should flock to you :)
2006-12-31 16:51:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dude.....u r not alone. I oso an shy person seldom talk in classroom. Shy guy is not very bad...cos shy guy oso looks quite attractive. I think girls probably like shy guys den aggressive type. Isn't girls.....?
2006-12-31 16:52:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Dude get over the shyness...your shy because you don't want to be rejected. Guess what?...your going to get rejected at some point so just be yourself.
2006-12-31 16:50:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous