change country, lol.
2007-01-06 18:19:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Most men look terrible in kilts. Pasty white knobby knees are not sexy, sorry. Try bars in expat areas of the US/Canada (you don't say where you are from). Anyplace where they are showing football from Ireland/Scotland will have some expats there.Not all Irish/Scottish/UK accents are nice. Trust me. Reality can be harsh. An accent is really not a good criteria for mate selection. Happy hunting. Live and learn Edit - Mu1 is a wise man/woman. Listen to them. Great answer.
2016-05-23 01:05:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not sure I can help you been looking myself recently for a nice man in Ireland but no luck. I think the key is to start going to new places and maybe even joining a club or part time course, you never know where you may find the man of your dream. Heres hoping both of us have more luck now in 2007 !!!
2007-01-04 23:45:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The strange thing about that is, when you are looking you do not see, when you are not looking you can meet the nicest of people.
So in other words don't try so hard, just get on with your life and do the things you like to do and one day you will meet the man for you. There is not set place to meet the man for you, he could be anywhere. It will happen I promise. It did for me. Sheila.
2007-01-07 21:14:33
answer #4
answered by she shaw sea shore 2
You need to go where these type of men hang out! Avoid clubs, try joining a gym or taking up a sport where you need a partner, that way you have the perfect excuse to size up someone you like the look of and then ask them to partner up with you. The rest is down to your skill at extracting info out of him as you exercise together.
2007-01-07 02:38:43
answer #5
answered by 31Alpha 2
I'm afraid you can't all the intelligent men left Scotland and Ireland.
2006-12-31 10:54:40
answer #6
answered by Scott Bull 6
ummmm...are there really eligible, intelligent or kind men in Scotland or Ireland?!! ;)
Im only joking, i have no idea but good luck in looking-have a great new year!
2006-12-31 15:23:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Im an Irish guy, have met some lovely ladies but i'm still single too.... I think it must be something in the water.... Happy New Year...
2006-12-31 10:25:54
answer #8
answered by Gritty Shaker 3
hiya, what about out at nightclubs, pub's (i met my fiancee in a pub)
so it can happen, you should get you're local paper and see if anywhere is having a speed dating night and go, take a friend.
My big brother is in the same boat and finding it really difficult to find someone, his problem is that he doesn't speak to the women that he likes and gets to shy.
Well if you can't find anyone then you can always meet my brother liam, he is older than you, he's 31 but looks young.
Anyways, good luck with searching, ps i stay in scotland myself
2007-01-04 14:15:36
answer #9
answered by louise h 2
Local social groups or dances for singles 25 years and over, library, local volunteer.
2007-01-08 00:35:59
answer #10
answered by michelle_in_aus2003 2
Its too bad your so far away from me cause i love scottish women. You should try church, or maybe going to bagpipe groups:), someplace that men in scotland like to do certain activities that you also like. Hope this helps
2007-01-01 05:41:58
answer #11
answered by virgin 4