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I don't want the color of the fake tooth to be noticed

2006-12-31 06:26:46 · 6 answers · asked by Britster 2 in Health Dental

6 answers

Hey britster, your problem is a very common one in my office. In the age of white teeth many patients present with discolored teeth and restorations like crowns that match their color. The problem that we see in the office is that we cannot change the color of the porcelain as it is set when the lab bakes it. The only solution to this problem unfortunately is to bleach your teeth prior to any restoration and replace the rest whether its a crown or a white filling, to match your new color. I hope this helps unfortunately this is the only thing available that I know of to help with your problem,

2006-12-31 07:34:53 · answer #1 · answered by lokura05 2 · 0 0

to whiten ur teeth just add a little water to some baking soda and wen it is the consistency of tooth paste or close to it then rub it on ur teeth

2006-12-31 14:34:19 · answer #2 · answered by Homie G 2 · 0 0

I'm sure this will work on fake teeth as well. After I got braces off, the dentist did a lousy job of whitening my teeth. i decided to try out this free sample of crest whitening strips i got from http://wiz.sc/crest and now my teeth are shining.


2007-01-01 22:56:26 · answer #3 · answered by jack d 1 · 0 1

if your artificial tooth is WHITER than the other teeth, then that will work out fine...just bleach until you have the match.

However, if it is darker, you will eventually need to replace the veneer or composite or crown that you've got there. So, bleach first to the desired level of whiteness than have the dentist and the lab match that w/ the new restoration.

2006-12-31 15:26:05 · answer #4 · answered by drswansondds 4 · 0 0

u have to first of all get all of ur teeth whitened, then get the tooth replaced to match the new whiteness

2006-12-31 14:29:23 · answer #5 · answered by snow_bunny_in_thongs 2 · 0 0

dentist go there they'll take care of the problem

2006-12-31 14:29:11 · answer #6 · answered by chat all you want 3 · 0 1

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