It sounds like he wants his space from you, BUT at the same time wants to check in and make sure you're available and not seeing someone else. Havin' his cake and eatin' it too, we call it indecision.
2006-12-31 00:11:29
answer #1
answered by That Guy! 2
When a man tells you he doesnt want a relationship, sex and just wants to be alone...Grant his wish. If he were into you, he would be there with and for you, not on the phone. Sounds like he's making sure he has his spare tire (you) in tact, "just in case". If you've been married before than you should already know or atleast have an idea what a relationship consist of. Phone calls in not it. You may consider asking him to ride it or park it. Dont waste your time waiting around for someone else to bring you flowers, plant your own garden.
2006-12-31 10:33:00
answer #2
answered by sally1068 1
In a nutshell: He wants a comfort zone without all the BS. We all like sex and comraderie, but men really despise all the hoopla and assorted rules and regulations women ask us to follow. What made him so attractive to you when you both started this liaison? Was he different, or did you decide you needed a contract when things got comfortable? These are the deal-breakers between men and women...just leave things alone and enjoy the ride. If you push the envelope, you'll likely get the same result you did from your(failed) marriage.
2006-12-31 08:14:28
answer #3
answered by wetdreamdiver 5
You don't need a man to tell you that he is not into you. If a guy wants to be with you, he will call you, be with you. When they want to be alone, it means they dont want to be with you. Cut the ties and move on. Guys want girls that they continue to call, have sex with but have no other relationship. If he wants you, he'll be knocking down your door. You need to lose him and move on.
2006-12-31 08:22:52
answer #4
answered by Denise M 1
Its possible that he's still trying to get over the divorce he's been through. Its also possible that since he's "free" now. He wants only to have sex with out commitment. If he's saying he wants to be alone I think he's still thinking about his failed marriage. If you really like this guy try to be patient and supportive to him. Personally I think he's having a tough time and is suffering from depression.
2006-12-31 08:14:16
answer #5
answered by Rocky 6
The man is confused and maybe needs a mommy figure in his life. The bottom line is How do you feel about him? Is he the kind of intelligent, warm, interesting and generous person you want in your life?
2006-12-31 08:17:15
answer #6
answered by Reo 5
I can't believe how naive some women are. He wants to use you for sex. What part of that can you not get? Are you that clueless?
2006-12-31 08:11:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Take him at his word that he wants to be alone. Find you a man that wants you....for YOU!
2006-12-31 08:13:51
answer #8
answered by olderbutwiser 7
he's scared of the relationship and is scared of being alone... He needs to get his head straight...
2006-12-31 08:11:30
answer #9
answered by Forlorn Hope 7
Time by ones self is always time with someone else.
2006-12-31 08:35:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous