I notice that it depends on age... when I was like in my teens.. honestly the only think that I care was if they were cute.. when I got into my twenties.. I just wanted then to be ambitious, caring but also really cute... now that I on my thirties I realized that we are all going to get old and wrinkle one day and physical appearance is not going to last forever.. so I dont care how somebody look anymore.. I just care to find somebody with career drive, caring, willing to commit, faitful, and healthy habits (you know, no drugs, alcoholics, etc)
2006-12-31 00:09:36
answer #1
answered by honeymoon81 2
Though a chippendale will always be a chippendale cuz they're so hot and so popular (hehe), of course it can still happen--if the guy's really like you mentioned. If the guy really has a good and respectful personality and can give a girl his secure love, then what the heck if he's a chippendale? :)
2006-12-31 08:23:21
answer #2
answered by sheer♥black 5
Goodness yes! If by Chippendale you mean the strippers then I don't want a man who looks like them anyway. They all look gay.
2006-12-31 08:05:24
answer #3
answered by Amelia 5
alot of women say peronality is top of there list of things they find attractive in a man. that maybe so but.....if say 2 guys were out looking for a date. one is good looking the other one isnt so good looking. the good looking one has a crap personality the not so one has a brilliant personality. who would get hit on first? the good looking one me thinks cos first impressions count. us non chippendales will always be second in line waiting for the "mr non personality got a body to die for" to mess it all up. so all you women who think thats rubbish, stop and think for a minute. personality is what you look for in a guy, its not what you see first. its tough but we survive.
2006-12-31 08:15:54
answer #4
answered by eez_62 2
Not every women wants a Chippendale dancer. Personally, they all look a little gay! That is just their job! God bless****
2006-12-31 08:05:39
answer #5
answered by ? 7
i sure hope so -- my lady looks fabulous and i can only hope she finds me physically attractive as im def not a chippendale --- more like a bank vault than a chair
2006-12-31 08:10:14
answer #6
answered by trader1867 7
i agree with the above...the last time I danced was with this chick in the 7th grade....gym class...square dancing. Man I hated that...the last time i stripped...yeah anyway
2006-12-31 08:05:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Only if they are smart.
Looks only last for so long - personality lasts longer.
2006-12-31 08:09:54
answer #8
answered by Rai A 7
if that women has a good heart and truly likes you
2006-12-31 08:05:48
answer #9
answered by amira j 1
If they dont then they will not know what they are missing.
Personality lasts .
Looks dont
2006-12-31 08:06:41
answer #10
answered by witchfromoz2003 6