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I'm finding myself taking my frustrations out on the people that mean most to me and then I feel extremely guilty after doing so. When you are angry or upset by something, do you tend to take your frustrations out on the people who are closest to you? If so, why?

2006-12-30 23:48:18 · 18 answers · asked by ♫Joshua's~♥~Girl♫ 5 in Social Science Psychology

18 answers

To quote an old cliche "we always hurt the ones we love" Unfortunately, when we are frustrated, we can't lash out at our boss, lord knows people in the street won't put up with it, so that leaves our poor families and friends. Hopefully, we don't do anything too unforgivable. Try not to vent your frustration on your kids though. Exercising can help keep you on an even keel, or talking to a friend or spouse before you are overwhelmed can sometimes diffuse the anger and frustration. Good luck.

2006-12-30 23:55:51 · answer #1 · answered by Firespider 7 · 1 0

Ok, so now you know that people do this.
Does it make you feel better? I don't think so.
So the solution here is to figure it out: do I want to be that sort of a person or not? Would I want to be my own friend if I behaved that way?
If the answer is "no", I would take a decision to monitor my own behaviour (after all I'm a reasonable and compassionate human being) and each time I find myself wanting to bite someone's nose off I would stop and count to ten. I would make this my spiritual practise. I would be the person who brings love, not distress to a situation. Granted, I would occasionally fail but I would not blame myself for it but try again.
But that's just me ... its for your discernment to decide what to do, if anything. Good luck!

2006-12-31 08:32:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I am really frustrated and angry about something I pray and take it out with god and sometime take it out on my friends which really makes me feel guilty. Most of the times I try not to say anything or take it out on myself not a good way but it works!

2006-12-31 08:05:21 · answer #3 · answered by alireza_in_trouble 2 · 1 0

That's a sign of your needing to grow and develop better self control. When you are angry, hurt, upset, happy, giggling or whatever it is because you have chosen to be. Nobody else can control how you feel and claiming they do is escapism. What your actions amount to is you make the choice to be angry then you make the choice to take it out on others.

Instead of feeling bad about it later take responsibility for your actions and don't do it any longer. It is your choice to make.

2006-12-31 07:59:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

People tend to take there frustrations out on the people they are most comfortable around and have the most trust in, SUCKS to be those people!!

2006-12-31 07:56:34 · answer #5 · answered by brackattack_81 2 · 1 0

1. Why?
A common pattern among adolescents is to treat the ones you loves with all due respect AND give'm hell. They are the easiest accesable to your rage... Ultimately your rage is a sign of deep affection. :-)

2. How to solve the anger.
your liver holds the anger. Remember the word 'Liverish'
please treat your liver with a yoga excersize
it will calm you down and move into compassion and love
inhale in 8 segments through your nose
exhale in eight segments through your nose
while your tongue is stuck out.
the small airsegemts coming out of your nose will cool down your tongue which directly cools down your liver
do this for 21 minutes a day
for minimum 45 days
and max 90 days then you will be saturated
good luck my friend


2006-12-31 08:08:10 · answer #6 · answered by franslaimbock 4 · 0 0

No I don't. Unless the family member is the cause of the anger or frustration.
If I have problems at work I forget them before I even get home.

You need to practice self control or wind up in jail for domestic violence with no friends left to bail you out.

2006-12-31 08:47:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

sadly, yes i have. my poor boyfriend is constantly the target for my misplaced anger brought home from my workplace. im very lucky that he is very very understanding. the reason why i do it, is because i work for a large company that deals with pharmacies and insurance, and if i take my anger out on the right person...my workplace could lose a couple million, and id get fired. that and i dont handle stress well at all.

2006-12-31 07:53:01 · answer #8 · answered by dreamzindigital_20 3 · 1 0

"If so, why?"

I hope I can still answer the question because I do have a point to make. Are you confiding in someone that is acting like you are victimizing them or are you hurting them instead of communicating? There is a difference.

2006-12-31 08:02:55 · answer #9 · answered by GoodQuestion 6 · 0 0

No. There's no excuse for that.

I think if you were in my family and kept up that crap, I would probably gently and firmly push your shoulder up against a wall, get in your face, and announce to you that I would not take your crap ever again; and if you ever, ever, dared pull that crap on family members again you would be out on your bottom before you knew what happened. I may give you the option of seeing a psychiatrist and addressing your lack of respect and self-control if you preferred that.

I have lived with jerks who have taken out their bad mood on me, and I can tell you that you cannot necessarily count on your family members forgiving you. Mistreating people is one of the quickest ways of damaging any love they have for you.

2006-12-31 08:06:14 · answer #10 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 0 1

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