Deposit all of the money that you make into a bank account and request a debit master or visa card . Use the card for every purchase you make and also when you need to take cash out of an atm. There are two positive spins on this; you never have too much cash on your person (which often saves a lot of money) and each month you will get a bank statement showing where all your money goes. Some banks don't mail monthly statements anymore. You will have to inquire at your bank but most banks do have online account access where you can view your account/transactions from home daily.
On the otherhand if your simply asking about software that helps you keep track of your finances, I would have to recommend Microsoft Money 2006. Good luck!
2006-12-30 14:45:29
answer #1
answered by Mary R 5
I've been using Quicken for 14 years to track my spending, investments, and net worth. The reports are excellent for figuring out where to cut back on spending.
2006-12-30 17:34:35
answer #2
answered by Steve R 6
I don't really like the service at Wells Fargo but I've found their online banking very useful. I can view my spending report at any time which breaks down what you spent in every category such as food, auto, department stores, tuition, ect. ect. for the given month. I'm sure most online banking has a similar feature.
2006-12-30 14:46:23
answer #3
answered by charlemagne8410 2
Get a sheet of paper and write down everything you spend money on. From movie tickets to Starbucks. After a few months you will be able to make up a realistic budget and see what you are spending your money on. It is amazing how that pack of cigarettes and morning cup of coffee add up each month.
2006-12-30 14:31:10
answer #4
answered by kny390 6
Keep a daily log of everything you in and everything you spend. It may seem like a lot of time but you will be surprised on what you can save on a budget.
2006-12-30 14:31:27
answer #5
answered by Rich goldie 3
the suited way is to setup computerized gadget so as which you do no longer could desire to do them. while self-discipline is the using factor, maximum individuals will fail of their very own finance. so its suited to setup status guidance to computerized pass savings into your investment money owed. as for budgeting, its suited to set a top shrink so as that in simple terms while the top shrink is reached, you will could desire to take a seem. Else all issues might run by utilising themselves ... that's the key state of affairs for fiancial freedom
2016-10-28 18:53:27
answer #6
answered by ? 4
dont use cash ,just check card ,and sing in on banking on line and check everything online 24 hours/day!!
,i do this is helpfull!!,,,,
god bless you!..
2006-12-30 14:40:59
answer #7
answered by milwatts 3
I use a microsoft excel spreadsheet...
2006-12-30 14:36:09
answer #8
answered by Mr. Smoothie, aka Mr. SmartAss 6